How well do you know the Land of Israel?

Today's Daf Yomi

Recommended Reading


The Bulletin Board

Knesset Gives Initial Approval to Restrictions on Incitement in Academic Institutions

These provisions would prohibit activities that are illegal, including expressing support for terrorist organizations and incitement to terrorism.

Head of ‘US Palestinian Affairs’ Office Reportedly Tells Staff He Will Resign

Hans Wechsel is said to have told employees that he "didn't like the direction the ship was heading."

Terrorist Behind Bat Yam Bus Bombing Arrested

The Israeli driver who transported the illegal resident who planted the explosive device faces an indictment.

Pentagon Spokeswoman Repeated Nazi Version of Leo Frank’s Lynching

"White supremacists and other antisemites have long used conspiracy theories about the Leo Frank case to cast doubt on the circumstances of his antisemitic lynching."

Incoming IDF Chief Zamir ‘Open to’ Military Control Over Gaza

It’s nice to have a military chief of staff who quotes from the Torah. If you recall, Torah quotes used to be career-enders for IDF generals.

Trump Issues ‘Last Warning’ to Hamas

“I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job, not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don’t do as I say.”

Justice Minister Levin Launches Move to Oust AG Baharav Miara

“The current Attorney General, Gali Baharav-Miara, has established a ‘democracy of plunder’ in Israel."

Pallywood: Oscar-Winning Filmmakers Caught on Video Harassing IDF Troops

The scene in "No Other Land," described in the film as "settler violence and IDF cruelty," was a staged provocation, according to the local council.

UN to Recognize Hostage Families as Victims of Hamas’s Psychological Abuse

The report called on prosecutors at the ICC “to pursue investigations into and prosecutions of hostage-taking and torture” and for the creation of a UN fund to support hostages that would be “funded in part by confiscations of financial assets and property imposed by sanctions.”

17-Year-Old Victim of Car-Ramming, Stabbing Rampage Dies of Injuries

14 people were wounded in the terror attack at the Karkur junction.

Madrid Kosher Restaurant Target of Attempted Arson

A swift response by the staff of the establishment, which was crowded at the time, prevented the fire from being lit.

Medicane Warning: Israel Braces for Rare Tropical Cyclone

Risk of severe flash floods in Negev and Arava wadis extending to the Dead Sea area, along with possible flooding on roads leading south toward Eilat.

How The Other Half Lives In Israel

Even when they acknowledge the crisis, it is often through a lens of self-congratulation, crediting their learning alone for the nation’s protection. This mindset ignores the heroic Torah learning within the Religious Zionist camp – learning that exists alongside military service and national responsibility.

Evil Exists, Whether We Admit It Or Not

Some human beings will always use that freedom for nefarious ends. No miracle, no revelation, not even the most undeniable display of divine power, will erase evil from this world. It remains our mission to fight it, both for our own survival and for the moral future of humanity.

A Jabotinsky Zionist Reply To Ehud Olmert

Perhaps more than any other leader in the State of Israel’s history Olmert believes that his personal opinion of what Israel’s borders should be set as is always correct.

Why Arabs Don’t Want To Receive Palestinian Ex-Prisoners

The Arab countries'] refusal to take in Palestinian prisoners probably arises from the fact that these countries actually do not care about the Palestinians and even consider them an ungrateful people and troublemakers.

Trump-Zelensky Spat isn’t a Warning to Israel

The notion that Trump’s refusal to let Zelenskyy dictate U.S. policy sets a precedent for the Jewish state is a partisan talking point. The two relationships have little in common.

Jewish Hollywood’s Jewish Problem

For an industry still powered by Jews and obsessed with the making of superhero movies, the Oscar for Jewish Cowardice continues to have far too many nominees.

Fact or Fiction: How HonestReporting Fights Israel Bias in the Media

HonestReporting CEO Jacki Alexander fights the perils of bias, misinformation, and propaganda prejudices that we Jews know all too well.
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When Agam Needed God

Yishai tells the harrowing tale of Agam Berger's captivity and how having faith and seeking God gave her strength. Then, Elise Stefanic and Marco Rubio show true grit against the enemies of Israel. Also, Yishai and Jake Bennett take on the evil plans of Jimmy Carter. Finally, Ben Bresky on Einstein's Zionism. Plus: Table Torah on "They Shall Build Me A Sanctuary."

A Time To Hate, A Time For Rage – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Tamar Yonah speaks with terror survivor Tal Hartuv, whose story is one of unimaginable horror—and extraordinary resilience.

How To Turn Pain Into Power – Soul Talk [audio]

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn How To Turn Pain Into Power!

The Aesthetic In Judaism

The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.

Haman And Today’s Battle Against Amalek

Torah is not simply a guide to living a life of truth; it is the blueprint and DNA of this physical world.

Living With Serenity

How often do we try to live life on our terms, even when the reality of the situation is clearly otherwise?

Is It Proper For Children To Drink Alcohol On Purim?

Even drinking for adults on Purim needs to be directed to enhance the festive nature of Purim and not be a cause of revelry or lead to inappropriate behavior.

Purim and Pesach: The Bulls and Bears Revisited

We are now entering the season of faith-building that begins at Purim and ends at Pesach. More than at any time in our calendar, it is a season when we remember the long-term

Divinely Arranged

Lo and behold, both my niece and nephew decided on an arrangement that I had rejected just a few minutes earlier! And although it was not particularly my taste, I was so beyond grateful that they both agreed that the style, the colors, the flowers, basically everything about it, would be to our mutual in-laws' liking.

Don’t Pay! I Don’t Need Your Money!

The following month, Mr. Gold again approached Mr. Neuman for the money. What do you mean?! asked Mr. Neuman. You said that I don’t have to pay and that you don’t need my money. That was mechila on your part – you relieved me of the need to pay!

Daf Yomi

One’s Lifetime Partner ‘The Only Poor In Israel [Are] The Subtly Wicked...’ (Sanhedrin 76a)

Names, Wanderings, And “Chaver”hood: Feldheim Publishing And The Tefilat Shai Siddur

Phillip Feldheim died in New York City in 1990. Ten years later the first edition of the siddur bearing his name – Tefilat Shai – appeared in Jerusalem.

Purim And The Mishkan

Assimilation was quite prevalent at the time with many prosperous exiled Jews preferring a liberal, cosmo-political approach as opposed to a conservative, separatist approach. Very few remained true to the old teachings and values, like Mordechai, the former head of the Sanhedrin.

The Majority of Israel – Parshat Terumah

The Jews that didn't make Aliyah relinquished their rights!

Framing the Flame – Parshat Teruma

How the Mishkan preserves inspiration.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Terumah: Flying Lessons:

The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be?--it is the same the angels breathe. -Mark Twain

You Will Make The Mizbe’ach – Mishkenei Elyon (Part I)

Mishkenei Elyon is a small but profound text that explains the spiritual significance of the detailed structure of the third Beit HaMikdash that was witnessed and reported on by the navi Yechezkel.


When the Kohen would light the menorah in the lower word, the menorah in the heavens was lit simultaneously, lighting up the lives of the Jewish people.

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