The Fig Tree: Roots Of Memory, Reflection, And Love
To make a connection between seemingly disparate things is to enter, if only briefly, a world beyond rationality. And in our quest to return as soon as possible to what is rational, we often become dismissive of making those connections.
Israel’s Announcement Of 5,000 New Jewish Homes In The West Bank Is A No-Brainer
The announcement of new Jewish housing in the West Bank introduces a new element into the current mix. It declares to Hamas that they and their fellow Palestinians do not have the luxury of sitting back and relying on President Biden to have their backs.
New ‘Moderate’ Iranian President And Diplomatic Opportunities: Not So Fast
As far as Israel is concerned, the new president reaffirmed Iran’s anti-Israel stance saying that “resistance movements across the region will not allow Israel’s criminal policies towards the Palestinians and other nations in the region to continue.”
How to Win the Thirty Years’ War with Iran
To realize its achievements, Israel needs a pause of a few years during which the strategy and military power for an offensive will be formulated.
U.S. Diplomacy in the Middle East: “Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game?”
U.S. diplomacy in the Middle East seems unaware of how U.S. power should be deployed to decrease the chances of war and to support U.S. allies.
Providing ‘Chizuk’ to Our Faculty: A Post-October 7th Leadership Imperative
today’s existential crisis in Israel and in diaspora communities will not disappear or dissipate by themselves. It will take time, and the will of HaShem.
PA: Arabs Supporting Israel have a “Mental Disorder”; Jews who Hate Israel Represent Truth
Wolf’s interview is a wake-up call for American Jews. Something is missing in Jewish/Zionist education when Wolf and those like her can so easily turn their backs on their people and heritage.
Where Are the Weapons? Israel is Defending Freedom against Tyranny for All of Us;...
The critical point is that Israel is fighting to safeguard not just its own nation, but the West and the Free World as well. The battle at the moment seems between preserving freedom or having it extinguished by the forces of barbarism, autocracies, and theocrats, but most of all by the passivity of the West
Can Israel Afford to Defy State Dept Pressure?
Can Israel Afford NOT to Defy State Dept Pressure?
Waging War Against Antisemitism-Part II
I have a term I use to describe this fundamental insight: “Am Levadad” – two words lifted from a Biblical verse (Numbers 23:9) that can be translated as “a singular nation”.
Part II: A War of Words: The Mufti Meets with Hitler in Berlin
The Oriental Service station featured antisemitic propaganda cleverly mixed with Arab music and passages from the Koran, all supervised by the mufti.
In 21st-century Europe, Jews need New Allies
If many French Jews are backing Marine Le Pen and National Rally, it’s because the alternatives are an antisemitic left and a center that can’t or won’t defend them.
Waging War Against Antisemitism-Part I
If we accept the reality that antisemitism can’t really be eradicated, and if we accept the idea that hatred of Jews is really resistance to the messages we bring, I think there’s only one thing we can do...
Protecting Jewish Students On Campus
While these episodes may sound straight out of 1930s Germany, I made clear to the members of Congress that they weren’t. These are real events that occurred at UCLA over the past nine months – events that have precipitated a federal lawsuit against the university where my law firm represents several students.
UC Professors Testify Before House Subcommittee On Anti-Jewish Work Bias
The general antisemitic, hostile environment turned to focus on me directly because I am a Jew, Dafna Golden told the subcommittee.
A 1976 Jerusalem Wedding
No, my father said, already shocked at the low amount (which included the aufruf meal), I want to pay for the whole thing. (He assumed Yaakov’s father was asking for half.) My father-in-law said, That IS the whole thing.
Five Alternatives for the Future of Gaza
five alternatives for the future of Gaza. Israel’s long-term strategy to ensure its continued existence entails the accomplishment of these goals: destruction of Hamas’s military capabilities, abolition of Hamas control in Gaza, and the preservation of good relations with the United States.
American Mediocrity
Watching Pres. Biden debate former Pres. Trump was a master class in American mediocrity.
Biden Just Destroyed Himself–and the Media
Biden went out and demonstrated that he belongs in an old age home. He confirmed what we all knew, live. For 90 minutes.
Big Lies About Israel
It turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war."
Together We Will Win
With Hashem’s help, victory – a complete, decisive, and overwhelming victory over all our enemies – is not only obtainable but is critical for the future of the Jewish people, both here in Israel and around the world.
Joe Biden Is More Than A Lightning Rod
President Biden has much to address in the run up to November 5. But if he is replaced because of his infirmities, does he take all that baggage with him, allowing the new designee to skate on the aforementioned issues?
Supreme Court Provides Needed Affirmation Of Immunity For Presidents
According to the Court’s opinion, the case must now go back to the lower courts to flesh out how the language will be applied so it is premature to wax eloquent at this point about how the language will be applied.
May Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat Mark The End Of ‘The Squad’
Bowman also reportedly spread talking points provided by the Hamas-led Gaza Ministry of Health but denied or ignored the trauma endured by Israelis.
The Lesser of Two Evils: A Diminished President or Failed Policies?
Has a president who is, at best, a part-time leader or at worst, no longer capable of facing the enormous challenges of the presidency, played a role in exacerbating these problems?