Multiculturalism, Human Rights, and the West

[I]t is the tiny nation of Israel that has found itself largely alone in the desperate fight to preserve the West's Judeo-Christian ideals. It would be to the West's advantage if its other nations would join Israel in this noble task.

Joining The Branches

How can we unite our various branches while maintaining our distinct and complementary characteristics? What does it take to hold together differing tribes as we pursue our shared destiny?

December 31st, 1912

America has not fallen, no more than it did when the clock struck midnight on December 31, 1912.

2024: A Year in Review

This year will go down in history as the year Israel re-asserted itself and Trump regained the presidency.

Don’t Attribute Sudden Jihad Syndrome to Mental Illness

The moment I first heard about the mass murders in New Orleans, I knew in my bones that the car rammer and shooter was a Muslim.

An Accident of History: Jimmy Carter and the Israel-Egypt Peace Accord

It was with no apparent sense of irony that Jimmy Carter’s 1976 campaign autobiography was titled Why Not the Best? That very question would come up with increasing frequency in the years after Carter’s election, only then it was being asked not as a rhetorical device to sell books but by Americans who refused to believe that this ineffectual, uninspiring milquetoast was the best a great nation could do.

End Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Initiatives

While the list of companies and institutions abandoning their voluntary DEI programs continues to grow, there are many that have not wavered and show no signs of doing so.

Albany Beat – January 3, 2025

Hochul also expressed, as only she can, her disgust with the Electoral College, calling for it to be abolished as she presided over the 60th general proceedings of the state’s delegation to the Electoral College in Albany.

Light In The Darkness: How Telling Jewish Stories Is an Antidote to Antisemitism

Fanny framed the need to share Jewish stories in terms of education. She wanted others to learn about Jews. The implied reasoning behind this is that antisemitism emerges from a lack of knowledge, and as such, teaching people about Jews would fix the problem.

‘The Hat Of Salvation You Wore On Your Head’

Mr. Blum’s father had no idea how the American official would react to his brazen request. But he felt strongly that he could not take an oath without his head covered. This small act of courage resulted in great liberation.

Israel Cannot Again Leave Gazan Areas For Months

Currently, the IDF is dealing with the hundreds of terrorists who remain, demonstrating the scale of the challenge posed by a well-entrenched adversary.

Pope Francis And The Genocide Defamation

Paradoxically, even as the Pope was delivering his calumnies, the Palestinian Authority, which of late has begun a crackdown on terrorists in the West Bank in order to present itself as an alternative to Hamas control of Gaza, confirmed Israel’s position.

May Orthodox Jews Mark New Year’s Day

This article discusses the final category: federal holidays that are religious in origin but are now seemingly celebrated secularly, with New Year’s Day as an excellent example of that.

2024’s Five Best Books About Israel

That Israel's right to defend its civilians is being questioned every day all around the world demonstrates how important books that rise beyond rhetoric are – and that’s what these books do.

Abbas Reveals His True Colors

If Abbas really wants peace – as J Street and the State Department keep telling us – he would not have heaped praise on Shubaki in his eulogy.

The Gray Lady’s Latest anti-Israel Hit Job

Lest “The New York Times” be accused of basing its entire screed on anonymous sources, it made sure to include a quote from—you guessed it—a Gazan.

Millions of Christians Under Islamist Assault, Yet Pope Francis Targets the Jews

The Jews are not committing genocide against Muslims in Gaza, whose population grew almost 3% last year. Muslims, however, are committing mass murder via jihad against Christians in Africa. Yet the Pope cowers from defending his own flock.

Israelis, the Jews I Never Knew

Never again will I be able to look at secular Israelis–be it in Israel or in the diaspora–the same way I have in the past.

The Search for A Solution: Irving Bunim, ‘A Fire In His Soul’: Part III

The apparent lack of sensitivity to the needs of the observant Jews was visible in a number of areas

Caution, Religious Zionists: They Are Exploiting Your Good-Heartedness

Don't let the Haredi draft or the hostage issue divide our camp and topple the government.

Israel, Amos, and the Philistines

Israel's enemies in Gaza today, like the Philistines of old, constitute a mortal threat to the nation, although that threat diminishes as Israel again succeeds in overcoming its enemies.

INTO THE FRAY: Macron on the Wrong Side of History

The election of Donald Trump and the collapse of the Assad regime in Syria will compel a recalibration of recalibration of France’s past policies.

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza—A Sense of Déjà vu

Sadly, the discussion of the fate of Gaza in general, and of the “Day After” in particular, is taking on an eerily familiar look—ominously reminiscent of the discussions of yesteryear.

This Land Is Our Land

As the State of Israel achieved more international recognition, including peace deals with Arab neighbors, many Israelis saw this recognition as the basis of our rights to the land. They no longer felt a need to rely upon the Bible as the basis of their rights and, thus, of their identity.

Chanukah Candles: Publicizing Historical Truth And Appreciating Truth in its Own Right

If the mitzvah of lighting candles is zecher l’Mikdash, then some form of mehadrin can be compared to other forms of hiddur mitzvah. But if the mitzvah is for pirsumei nisa, then mehadrin, especially mehadrin min hamehadrin, takes on new significance.

Addressing The Iranian Nuclear Issue Is More Urgent And Feasible Than Ever

In terms of military action taking out Iran’s nuclear development sites, Israel has clearly demonstrated that the sites are well within reach of Israeli air power – and certainly that of the United States.

A Hanukkah Guide for the Perplexed, 2024

The Hebrew words Hanukkah (חנוכה), inauguration (חנוכ), and education ((חנוך possess an identical root.


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