Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90
A Hamas digger works in a tunnel used for smuggling supplies between Egypt and Gaza after being flooded with seawater on October 1, 2015, by Egyptian army in Rafah in southern Gaza. (archive, Feb. 2016)

A gas pipe running through a tunnel under the Gazan town of Rafah exploded, wounding some 60-70 people, and killing 2, according to Egyptian sources.

According to Al Bawab News, some 50 smuggling tunnels were uncovered due to the explosion. (H/T NZIV/


This tunnel incident is separate from the Hamas terror tunnel that collapsed tonight in Khan Younis.

60 homes in Rafah have been evacuated due to the explosion.

The town of Rafah is split along the Gazan border with Sinai, and numerous smuggling tunnels run beneath the city.

In recent months, the Egyptians have been flooding the tunnels with sea water, in order to destroy them.

There’s no indication at this point as to what caused the gas pipe to leak and explode.

Earlier, on Saturday, between 13 to 20 (reports vary) Egyptian policemen were killed in a Da’esh (ISIS) attack on a checkpoint in Arish, northern Sinai.

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