Photo Credit: Flash90

UPDATES BELOW. Saturday night 9:40PM: A 9 year old girl in the town of Psagot, near Kochav Yaakov in the Binyamin region, has been shot in the chest, in what is apparently a terror attack. Medics are working to save her life.

The girl was taken to Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.



UPDATES (Latest first):  (All photos: Hillel Mayer / Tazpit News Agency)

1:28 AM (Sunday) IDF will soon begin allowing Psagot residents stuck outside the town to go home. Each resident will need to show ID, and will be brought in by an IDF armored vehicle. Private cars will need to stay outside.

1:04 AM (Sunday) UPDATE: Searches continue with Psagot. IDF keeps status at highest alert that a terrorist might still be within the town. Kochav Yaakov and Adam, searches continue for possible terrorist. Anatot alert cancelled, 2 figure seen entering and exiting the town, escaping to nearby Arab village.

1:01 AM (Sunday) Residents stuck outside of  Psagot being redirected to other towns to spend the night.


12:46 AM (Sunday) Alert still on in Psagot. (Long night ahead.)

12:31 AM: Unconfirmed report that the girl had been shot 3 times. A knife was also found near the steps to the home.

12:28 AM: IDF repeats warning to Psagot residents – DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOMES.

Shooting in Psagot

12:15 AM NEW ALERTS: Additional armed terrorist spotted in Kochav Yaacov.  “Abir Layla Gimmel”.

Towns of Adam and Anatot call “Abit Layla Bet” alerts, after holes in security fence discovered.

 12:14 AM (Sunday) Girl in recovery room.

11:49 PM Girl currently undergoing surgery.

11:37 PM Psagot Security forces captured one terrorist inside the town, according to town residents.

11:33 PM UNCONFIRMED Terrorist may have been captured inside the town of Psagot.


11:26 PM IDF pursuit has now entered Ramallah, in coordination with PA police.

11:15 PM New reports of shooting at a IDF officer (not policeman) on a motorcycle between Psagot and Beit El. No injuries.

11:09 PM Arab sources report IDF inside Al-Birah, next to Psagot, where it is believed the terrorist came from. Arab sources claim they hear exchange of gunfire.

11:02 PM IDF has found the hole in the fence the terrorist apparently used to enter the town.

10:51 PM Girl was initially treated by her neighbor, the Jerusalem MDA director. He received phone call from MDA that there was a shooting in Psagot, and realized it was his neighbors house.

10:41 PM The girl saw the shooter. He shot her with a rifle.

10:37 PM IDF going house to house in Psagot to make sure terrorist is not inside any home. Instructions to residents: If you hear knocking on your door, do not open the door. Answer from within the house.

10:33 PM The IDF is treating situation under assumption that  the terrorist is still inside the town. Residents have been told to remain indoors with windows and doors locked. Personal weapons on hand.

Noam’s parents are with her in the hospital.

10:24 PM Tazpit News Agency reports: The girl is currently in the Sha’arei Tzedek trauma center. She was shot in the shoulder, near the neck. The bullet exited her back. She is conscious.

For prayers, her name is Noam bat Michal  / Noam Glick.

10:14 PM Tazpit News Agency reports that there is an initial, unconfirmed report that the shooter wore a black ski mask, and shot the girl from the steps of the house. IDF is checking for snipers. The house faces the Arab village of El-Birah.

10:00 PM Emergency teams on site.

9:56 PM There is currently an additional siren going off in Psagot. Details still unclear.

9:54 PM Residents of Psagot have been ordered indoors.






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