Photo Credit: Arieh King
Arabs throwing rocks and firecrackers at Jewish children in Maaleh HaZeitim, near the Mount of Olives.

Terrified Jewish nursery school and kindergarten children were rushed into bomb shelters in Jerusalem’s Maaleh HaZeitim neighborhood after 10 masked Arabs attacked the Jerusalem neighborhood’s complex with Molotov cocktails, fireworks and stones on Tuesday.

The Arabs specifically targeted toddlers from a nursery “Mishpacton” who were playing outside.


The teachers rushed the children inside as the Arabs began throwing explosive and rocks at the children, an angry resident told

Two other schools also rushed their children indoors as explosives landed near the schools.
The neighborhood housing complex has 4 nursery and kindergarten schools.

The crying children were rushed into the school’s bomb shelters to protect them from the attack and the loud explosions.

The police took 7 minutes to arrive. But before responding, police asked residents if anyone was actually injured in the attack.

When they did arrive, the Arab attackers ran.

Arabs have been targeting Jews in the area, both dead and alive, quite a bit recently.

Maaleh HaZeitim is located across the street from the ancient, Jewish, Mount of Olives cemetery.

On Rosh Hashana, Arabs desecrated the Gur Hassidim section of the cemetery, destroying 40 graves.

Today at 4pm, there will be a vigil held at the cemetery.

Two weeks ago, Arabs attacked a school bus full of children.

A ttacking children seems to be their preferred method of terrorism.

Residents have been complaining about the lack of security, but to little avail.

A resident caught the tail end of the attack on video:

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