Photo Credit: Facebook
Hamburger Morgenpost, a German newspaper which reprinted Charlie Hebdo cartoons, was firebombed overnight. Jan. 11, 2014.

A German newspaper was firebombed overnight after it printed cartoons from the Charlie Hebdo magazine.

Several newspapers have been reprinting cartoons originally published by the French satire magazine in a gesture of solidarity after the brutal terrorist attack last week in which 12 people were executed by Islamist terrorists.


Charlie Hebdo‘s cartoonists were targeted specifically for publishing cartoons which depicted Islam’s prophet Muhammed. Radical Islamists deem such portrayals to be so heretical that people deserve to die for merely drawing and or publishing such cartoons.

An incendiary device was thrown through the window of the German newspaper, Hamburger Morgenpost, (German Morning Post, also known as “Mopo”) Saturday night, Jan. 10-11. No one was in the building at the time, but documents caught fire.

The official twitter feed of the newspaper stated: “It is true, tonight there was an attack on our editorial staff.” Another tweet exclaimed, “Paris was just the beginning of the apocalypse in Europe.”

The paper announced that two suspects have been arrested.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]