Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Map of Hamas terror bases and tunnel adjacent to hospital in Jabaliya, located in northern Gaza. July 22, 2014.

Israeli soldiers have attacked a hospital in Gaza City — well, it was a hospital at one point — but Hamas terrorists have transformed it into a base from which to launch attacks on Israel.

It is impossible to ignore the source of lethal attacks on Israel and IDF soldiers, even when it appears to be a place of healing. Hamas terrorists have no problem using doctors and patients as human shields.


“The IDF has targeted specific sites and terrorists located within the premises of Al-Wafa hospital due to several occasions in which fire was opened at IDF forces from within the hospital grounds,” stated an IDF source.

“This, despite repeated warnings against such activities, and notifications to civilians to vacate the premises,” the source continued. “Recently, terror activities executed against IDF forces were enhanced and in several attacks a gunman opened fire and launched anti-tank missiles. This gunfire continued this morning.”

The hospital grounds and its immediate surroundings have been repeatedly utilized by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a command center, rocket launching site, and a post enabling terrorists to open fire at soldiers.

The IDF has raised its concerns with international organizations on numerous occasions and warnings have been conveyed directly to the hospital administration and other Palestinian officials.

“Hamas terrorists have been intentionally abusing the hospital and other international protected symbols to indiscriminately attack Israel and its civilians. The IDF is determined to prevent the ongoing aggression by Hamas that is directed by a strategy of exploitation and abuse of the civilian population and its wellbeing,” Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesperson said.

Recently IAF pilots were forced to call off an air strike at the last minute when Hamas terrorists fled in an ambulance after being engaged by IDF paratroopers, out of concern there might also be an injured civilian within the vehicle.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.