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BDS in action

In recent weeks, the topic of National Service made headlines after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had announced that he would work to cancel National Service positions for B’Tselem following the controversial speech given by the organization’s CEO at the United Nations Security Council.

A new report released by Israeli Zionist movement, Im Tirtzu, reveals that there are at least seven far-Left organizations that are currently eligible to receive National Service positions from the government.


The report focuses on the anti-Israel activity advanced by these organizations, which includes accusing Israel of war crimes, promoting BDS, and calling for international pressure on Israel. The details acquired by Im Tirtzu via the Freedom of Information Law and the Ministry of Agriculture, which oversees National Service, reveal that 7 organizations benefit from a total of 17 positions. Since 2012, these organizations have received more than $20 million from foreign governments and an additional $14 million from the New Israel Fund.

The organization with the largest amount of positions – five – is Amnesty International, which accuses Israel of war crimes and advocates for an arms embargo on Israel. Israel Social TV, which provides a platform for BDS and the labeling of Israel as an apartheid and racist state, receives 3 positions, as does Hotline for Refugees and Migrants and Kav LaOved.

B’Tselem, Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, and Public Committee Against Torture in Israel each receive one position and accuse Israel of committing war crimes. Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg commented that in recent years Im Tirtzu has “exposed an absurd reality in which Israeli organizations, which are funded by foreign governments, enjoy government benefits in the form of National Service positions. These are the very organizations leading the campaign of delegitimization against Israel.”

Peleg added: “It is important to understand that European involvement in Israel’s internal affairs has increased in recent years with the goal of weakening Israeli sovereignty. National Service positions are a privilege and not another platform for anti-Israel activity.”

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