Photo Credit: courtesy, EJC
Israeli Innovation celebrated at the European Parliament

Israel is making a prominent appearance this week at the world’s largest and most prestigious biotech conference, being held this year in San Diego.

The BIO International Convention in the world’s largest conference in the field of life sciences, showcasing top companies and developments.


Israel’s national pavilion at the event features 21 leading companies that were selected by the Israel Innovation Authority with the support of the Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI).

More than 16,000 people from over 76 countries are at the event, which is hosting heads of state, ministers, ambassadors and heads of regulatory agencies. Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron is the event’s keynote speaker.

The Israel Innovation Authority has been participating in the BIO International Convention for 20 years.

Included this year among the companies representing Israel are:

· Alpha Tau Medical – successfully using alpha radiation to treat solid tumors.

· Body Vision Medical – a company that has developed a platform for intra-body navigation that is revolutionizing minimally-invasive diagnosis of cancerous tumors at an early stage.

· Brainstorm – seeking to find solutions for degenerative illnesses like sclerosis and multiple sclerosis.

· Sebana – developing medicine that helps stabilize the results of fat transplants, and

· Nutrino Health- helping adapt nutrition to patients suffering from diabetes through digital monitoring.

“The conference is an opportunity for Israeli companies to present their latest developments and create scientific and economic ties with leading international players in the field,” said Aharon Aharon, CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority.

“The Israel Innovation Authority aims at increasing support for a successful life sciences ecosystem and position Israel as an international leader in this field.

“The Authority is pleased to offer its many avenues of support to entrepreneurs to help them fulfill their potential, including our startup track and technological infrastructure track, as well as other funding tools and the joint platforms the Authority runs with more than 50 countries and regions around the world.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.