Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mekor Chaim, the school attended by the three 16 year-olds who have been abducted, spoke of the pain endured by the families, friends and teachers of the boys.
The rabbi expressed gratitude to the Israel Defense Forces, but said, quoting Ecclesiastes 10:18, that all civilians are left with “idle hands.” As a result, the rabbi urged everyone to “turn to our Father in Heaven and plead.”
In times of great despair, Jews must “add more holiness and learn more Torah.”
“This has been the Jewish way from time immemorial,” Rabbi Steinsaltz explained.
The rabbi suggested:
If we can, each of us should take upon ourselves [to learn] something additional, no matter how small, especially and explicitly devoted for the sake and well-being of the missing boys.
Psalms 142 and 143 are especially relevant to the current crisis, the rabbi explained. And everyone should also pray for the safety of those working towards the rescue of the three boys.
The message of Rabbi Steinsaltz concluded with:
May it be God’s will that in their merit, and for the merit of their suffering, together with our prayers and good deeds, we shall soon see our boys returned to us, God willing, safe and sound.