On the morning after US President Donald Trump had declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel, a Muslim wrapped in a Palestinian flag arrived at the Israeli-owned Carmel kosher restaurant in Amsterdam and smashed its window, Israeli media reported.

The man approached the restaurant shouting, “Allahu Akbar,” and seconds later he lifted a rod and smashed the front window –while police were standing nearby and did not interfere.


He then went into the restaurant, which was empty, and came out carrying an Israeli flag, in order to destroy it, At which point the police intervened and arrested him.

Carmel owner Sami Baron told Channel 2 TV: “For Jerusalem I don’t care if they break even more windows.”

When asked if he was afraid of more attacks, Baron replied: “I grew up in Be’er Sheva, you can’t scare me.”

Reinier van Dantzig,‏ a leader of Democrats 66 (D66), a radical leftwing Dutch party, tweeted in response: “Terrible that this happened! So you see that the ill-considered statements of the leader of the free world have direct consequences. Let it be clear that there is no place for intolerance in Amsterdam!”

Sure, let it be clear.

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