St. Petersburg Synagogue Administrator Robbed

The synagogue administrator described the attacker as a European man, 35-40. The man was drunk.

Syrian Air Force Bombing Damascus

The Syrian Rebels have taken over the eastern side of Damascus and attacked the Russian Embassy.

One Assassinated in Drone Strike Near Quneitra (Syrian Side)

Defense Minister Liberman warned the next Syria fired its missiles at Israel, the IAF would wipe out its air defense system.

PM Netanyahu Explains Reason for the Airstrike on Syria

Israel's Ambassador to Russia was summoned following IAF airstrike, as there were reportedly Russian troops near the strike zone.

Israeli Ambassador Presents Credentials to President Putin

Ambassador Koren was born in Riga, in 1973, and made Aliyah at age 13.

Russian Tourism to Israel Up 54%

In 2016 Israel was visited by more than 2.9 million travelers from all over the world.

New Jewish Cemetery to Open in Kazan in 2017

The debate over establishing a new Jewish cemetery in the city of Kazan, capital of the Republic of the semi-autonomous republic of Tatarstan in southwest Russia, is all but resolved.

Israeli Songwriters Co-Authored Russia’s Eurovision Entry – Which Could Be Banned [video]

On Monday, the Security Service of Ukraine announced they might bar Samoilova's entry into their country under Ukrainian law that forbids entry from across the Russian border.

Assad: Russia Fighting ISIS While Israel, US, EU Support Terrorism in Syria

The Syrian dictator's knight in shining armor is Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin Gives Netanyahu 500 Year Old Copy of ‘The Jewish War’

'The Jewish War' (Latin Bellum Judaicum or De Bello Judaico) was Josephus' first work after arriving in Rome, following the repression of the Great Revold of the year 70.

Iran Successfully Test-Fires Hormuz-2 Ballistic Missile

Hormuz-2 is a naval strike ballistic missile intended to hit moving targets at sea with high precision, and has a range of nearly 300 kilometers.

Netanyahu Praises Russia’s Fight Against Sunni Terror, Warns No Place for Iran in Syria

The two men discussed the situation in Syria, in the context of joint efforts to combat international terrorism, and examined the main areas of bilateral cooperation.

PM Netanyahu to Insist in Putin Meeting Thursday: Golan Heights Off Limits in Syrian...

'Victory over the terrorism of ISIS cannot lead to an upsurge in terrorism by Iran and its proxies. We will not exchange terrorism for terrorism.'

Russian B-List Leaders Meet MK Herzog in Moscow to Discuss Syria, PA

Herzog planned to 'reiterate Israel's demand to prevent at all cost transferring to Hezbollah weapons that had been provided to Syria, as well as to prevent Hezbollah from acquiring positions in the Syrian Golan heights.'

Kremlin: Putin, Netanyahu to Discuss Israel-PA Peace Deal in Moscow

The two leaders 'are also expected to discuss key aspects of the Palestinian-Israeli settlement.'

Putin-Netanyahu to Meet in Moscow Thursday

'Iran is trying to establish itself permanently in Syria, with a military presence on the ground and at sea, and also a gradual attempt to open a front against us on the Golan Heights.'

Report: Obama Staff Collected Last-Minute Intelligence on Trump’s Russian Ties

The British and the Dutch, according to former anonymous American officials speaking to the Times, provided information on meetings between President Vladimir Putin's and Trump's associates in European cities.

Report: 80.59 Carat ‘Star of Viluysk’ Sold During Israel’s International Diamond Week

Recently, Russian mining giant Alrosa and the Israel Diamond Exchange signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at increasing cooperation between the two organizations.

Iran Atomic Energy Chief: We’re Buying 950 Tons of Yellowcake from Kazakhstan

Salehi quoted historian Arnold Toynbee, who predicted that if the Islamic people were freed from their shackles, the world would see the emergence of a civilization which would challenge the West.

Russia’s Chief Rabbi: No Such Thing as Religious Extremism

Rabbi Lazar noted that many faiths have in them followers who promote pseudo-religious extremism.

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin Dies Suddenly in NYC

“The loss sustained by Russia is grave and irreplaceable,” said Churkin’s deputy, Pyotr Ilyichev.

Russia, UAE, to Collaborate on Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

It remains to be seen how Iran will view Russia's entering a long-term cooperation deal with the UAE.

‘Peace Only Possible When All Parties Believe They’re Losing’

“I think peace is only possible, when none of the parties to the conflict think they can win. "

VP Pence in ‘Emotional’ Tour at Dachau Nazi Concentration Camp

"We can never forget atrocities against Jews and others in the Holocaust," VP Pence said.

Russia’s Lavrov Says Moscow Seeks ‘Pragmatic Relations’ With USA

Israeli Defense Minister Liberman met with Russia's FM Lavrov on the sidelines of the conference.

Sen. Graham, Republicans, Want to Probe Russians’ Trump Campaign

It should be noted that the news about a possible probe coincided with President Trump's public suggestion that Israel hold back on expanding Jewish settlements.

Israel, Ukraine, to Create Rehabilitation Center for Soldiers on Russian Front

Israel will collaborate with the Ukrainian Research Institute for Prosthesis, Prosthesis and Rehabilitation in Kharkiv.

NATO Deploys Troops in 4 Former Soviet Satellite Nations [video]

Secy-Gen. Stoltenberg to Lithuanian PM: "With NATO you will never lose that independence."

Israeli Embassy in Moscow ‘Concerned’ over MP’s ‘Jews Cooked Christians’ Statement

An embassy spokesman expressed the hope that the Russian authorities will not tolerate such statements any longer.


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