Photo Credit: Tsafrir Abayov/Flash90
An Israeli army sapper examines a mortar shell damage caused to a house by a mortar shell fired by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip

Over the past few days, southern Israel has been suffering from another wave of rocket and mortar attacks launched from the Gaza Strip. Over one hundred projectiles have been fired at Israeli civilian population concentrations. Many of these rockets have been intercepted by the Iron Dome defensive system, with a 90% success rate.

Due to this recent escalation, all school has been canceled in Southern Israel, leaving hundreds of thousands of children at home for fear they may be targeted by the terrorists. This realty forces parents in many cases to stay home, losing work days, and further hindering the already stressed economical situation. Studies at some of the universities in the South have been canceled as well, disrupting the students’ academic growth. This situation in general is a source of much concern and stress, as hundreds of thousands of civilians live under a constant life-endangering threat.


The military’s latest estimate is that the fire will continue in the coming days, and fears that the rockets’ range will expand to the Tel Aviv area as well. Many Members of Knesset have threatened the terrorists, stating that no one is immune to retaliation by the IDF.

It is of significance to note that the schools in the Gaza strip are reportedly not canceled, as life continues there as normal.

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