Photo Credit: Yehuda Elram

Kfar Adumim, in the Judean desert, situated 20 minutes from Jerusalem and 20 minutes from the Dead Sea, is a quiet desert village whose soundtrack features the chirping of the birds and the sighing breath of a desert wind. The yishuv was created from the outset as a mixed religious/secular community with the idealistic intent of harmonious co- existence. Surrounded by desert and wadis, Kfar Adumim is picturesque and idyllic, and although the people there live in villas, the view is the same as it was for our ancestors, the tribe of Binyamin, who lived in the area, during biblical times.

Yehuda Elram is a successful award-winning entrepreneur, Water-Breath-Ice therapist, lawyer, and adventurer, who lives in one of those exquisite villas, Harmony Waters – Judea, with the desert as his backyard. A feature of the villa is a thermic pool in which Elram offers hydrotherapy sessions. He also rents the house out for Shabbatot or short stays. The house can sleep 8. There are four bathrooms, cozy niches, and plenty of space both inside the house and in the backyard. The master bedroom has an en-suite Jacuzzi.


The villa was meticulously designed to take best advantage of the light and desert breezes. It has windows, doors, and balconies on all sides, making it light and airy with a huge kitchen, a deck, a barbecue, a fireplace, a swing set and a magnificent panoramic view. The Harvard educated Elram’s business ventures and travel adventures have taken him all over the world, and also into the worlds of politics, culture, and science and technology and his home reflects this eclectic persona with plants, books, artwork and antiques that give the home a welcoming aura. There’s also lots of flora and fauna, and some will come inside if you leave the doors open.

Nachal Prat (Wadi Kelt), the area’s main tourist attraction, is a 2 minute walk from the house. The Wadis serve as the villages’ natural eruv. The shul is a three-minute walk away. On my first tour of the house, I thought to myself, that this place would be perfect for a musician or a band looking for a place to unwind before cutting a CD (do they still do that?) The living room has a piano and the whole fluid space has amazing acoustics.

But even if you are not Shwekey, and you want to come with your family, this is a nice place to spend Shabbat and unwind, or take a quiet hiatus from manic touring. The villa offers Shabbat amenities – A hotplate, Shabbos timers, and a Shabbos switch for the fridge. There are kosher restaurants in the area.

To contact Yehuda Elram: [email protected].

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