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Tag: Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein

Attorney General Clashing with Netanyahu over Changing Rules of Engagement Against Rioters

Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein opposed the changes Netanyahu presented to end the Arab violence. It remains to be seen who is in charge of the government.

Rabbi Pinto Will Be Charged with Bribing Police Officer

The good Rabbi has disappeared in recent weeks, and no one in his network of institutions knows where he is.

Lieberman Acquitted by All 3 Judges

The 3-judge acquittal may mean the beginning of the end for Attorney General Weinstein.

Rabbinic Rebellion: NRP Rabbis Back Pick Nixed by AG

When interviewed this week, it turned out that Rabbi Eliyahu's opinion has either been modified following the attacks on him, or has always remained grounded in normative halacha.

Rabbi Eliyahu Ignores A-G’s Ruling Him Out as Chief Rabbi

Attorney General Weinstein told Tzfat Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu that the courts probably would not allow him to be Chief Sephardi Rabbi have not dissuaded...

Dirty Politics: Govt. Targeting Candidates for Chief Rabbi

These are unhappy times for religious and secular relations in Israel.

Jewish Home, Likud Bill to Limit Foreign Entities’ NGO Donations

An Israeli organization will receive no more than $5,500 from a donor that denies the right of Israel to exist.

AG Blocks Draft Bill as Haredim Rally Outside EU Headquarters

Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein ruled that in order to achieve complete equality, the draft law must be clipped of two major benefits for young Haredi recruits.

AG: Following Scandal, Rabbi Amar Is Sole Chief Rabbi

Shas officials are concerned now that the good rabbi would outmaneuver their good rabbi in picking the next chief rabbi.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/attorney-general-clashing-with-netanyahu-over-changing-rules-of-engagement-against-rioters/2015/09/21/

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