Tag: Priestly Blessing
Thousands Gather at Western Wall for Birkat Kohanim on Pesach
The traditional Birkat Kohanim is recited by the descendants of Aharon the High Priest.
More Than Half a Million Visitors at Western Wall Since Start of Sukkot
Some 50,000 people took part in the second Birkat Kohanim ceremony, and tens of thousands have streamed to the Wall daily during Sukkot.
Watch: Priestly Blessing at the Kotel
Tens of thousands of Jews attended Monday morning’s Birkat Ha’Cohanim – the priestly blessing – at the Western Wall.
Passover Priestly Blessing Takes Place at Western Wall in Jerusalem
Some 2,500 police officers were deployed in Jerusalem on Sunday and were on high alert prior to and during the Priestly Blessing due to the ongoing violence at the nearby Al Aqsa Mosque.
Watch: The Priestly Blessing at the Kotel, Chol Ha’Moed Pesach 5782
All things considered, we could be watching the arrival of our redeemer, God willing, right on YouTube.
Birkat Kohanim at the Kotel Will be Held Twice on Pesach as COVID-19 Stats...
Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers?
Tens of Thousands Attend Kotel Priestly Blessing
The momentous event has occasionally been greeted with rocks thrown down from the Temple Mount by the current masters of the holy site.
Jewish Singer and Songwriter Leonard Cohen, 82 [video]
Leonard Cohen passed away this week at age 82.
Thousands of Kohanim Gather at Western Wall to Bless the People of Israel
Tens of thousands of descendants of the priests of Israel gather each year to bless the Nation worldwide.
The Birkat HaCohanim Selfie
On Wednesday morning, there was a mass Birkat HaCohanim (Priestly Blessing) during the morning prayers, where the Cohanim (priestly caste) blessed the people.
I've never...
Parsha Behaalotchea: A Guide For…Parenting? Part II
Rabbi Fohrman delves deeper into the Priestly Blessing and its relevant lessons
Birkat Cohanim
On Sunday morning, the traditional Birkat Cohanim, Blessing of the Priests, was held in the Kotel courtyard. The Kotel was packed.
WoW Miss their Chance for Equality at Kotel Priestly Blessing
If the Women of the Wall want equality with men, why don’t they try to perform the Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall? Do tribal distinctions contradict “equality?” If so, who needs a Reform "rabbi?"
Video: Under the Prayer Shawl – Secrets of the Priestly Blessing
"Under the Prayer Shawl - Secrets of the Priestly Blessing", was shot on location at the 2011 annual massive blessing by the Jewish Priests...
Photo Essay: Jerusalem Pilgrimage and Priestly Blessings 5772
This year's Priestly Blessing in Jerusalem drew thousands of Jews (and a few gentiles as well) to the Western Wall. Take a look at these pictures and maybe you too can partake of the Biblical blessings.