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Tag: The New York Times

Netanyahu: Israel Added No New Conditions to Hostage Release Proposal

"Hamas is the one that demanded 29 changes to the May 27 proposal, something the Prime Minister refused to do."

Netanyahu Rebuts NYT Report: War Won’t End Until All Objectives Achieved

Sources said the IDF is running out of shells and that supplies of spare parts for tanks, military bulldozers and armored vehicles are running out as well.

Surprise, Surprise: New York Times’ Anti-Hebrew Antisemitism

"For some, the language symbolizes far-right Israeli militarism.”

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Slams Singer Dua Lipa for Anti-Israel Lies

With the kind of self-pity befitting a star, she noted: “This is the price you pay for defending Palestinian human rights."

Kerry Denies Revealing Israeli Strikes in Syria to Iran – Republicans Want Him Sacked

The serious question regarding the Kerry revelations is not whether or not he made them, of course he did.

NY Times Runs Names of 1,000 Coronavirus Victims on Front Page as US Deaths...

"In my head, I was always looking to get under 100. ... For me, it's just a sign that we're making real progress,” Gov. Cuomo said.

Putin to Meet Holocaust Denier Abbas in Bethlehem following International Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem

Abbas dismissed as a "myth" and "fantastic lie" that six million Jews had died in the Holocaust.

Following Ant-Semitic Slip, NY Times Kills Daily Political Cartoons Altogether

The anti-Semitic cartoon was the brainchild of Portuguese artist António Moreira Antunes, who insisted his images were anti-Semitic, but the rest of the planet thought otherwise.

NYT Offers Overdue, Belated Apology for Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Israel's UN Ambassador: "The words, the demonstrators and the cartoons turn into shootings against worshipers in synagogues.”

NY Times Acknowledges Running (Anti-Semitic) Cartoon Showing Netanyahu as Trump’s Dog

The online version of the cartoon, featured in the New York Times’ opinion section, has been deleted.

Did the NY Times Just Pick the Perfect Metaphor for the Barriers Against Peace?

The "deal of the century" will compensate local Arabs with billions of dollars in investments in their economic and civic well-being, for the fact that they will remain an autonomous canton, but not a state.

NY Times Editorial Board Condemns Netanyahu for Winning

If ignoring the tantrum fits of the New York Times will inevitably "deepen the alienation between [Israel's] right-wing coalition government and a majority of American Jews," I say, take the chance.

Otzma Yehudit Platform Radical on Jewish Values, Hazy on Practical Implementation

I'd like to see a better reasoned and less combative platform – with no need to change or moderate the party's beliefs.

The Arabs Are Coming, The Arabs Are Coming – to Congress

“We’re talking about a handful of people; they’re certainly not going to move Congress’s wall-to-wall support for Israel."

Fake News: US Cuts $10M in USAID Coexistence Programming

USAID redirected its funds to “continue its support for civil society working on these issues within Israel ”supporting programs linking Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews."

The Real Story Behind the Jahalin Bedouin in Khan al Ahmar

The community’s traditional culture and clan-based lifestyle will be fully protected and insulated from outside influences in a location only four miles away that provides electricity, running water, a government-built school and many other basic modern “conveniences.”

Woody Allen: I Should Be the Poster Boy for the #MeToo Movement

"I’ve worked with hundreds of actresses, hundreds, and not a single one—big ones, famous ones, ones starting out—have ever, ever, not a single one, ever suggested any kind of impropriety at all,” Allen said.

IDF Confirms Israel Attacked ‘Live Iranian Targets’ in Syria

“It was the first time we attacked live Iranian targets, both facilities and people,” the IDF officer told The New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman.

NYT: Egypt Quietly Begins to Accept Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

“We should have buses pick up all the people who say they want to go fight for Jerusalem and actually drive them to Jerusalem. Go fight if you are so tough."

Report: Mogul Harvey Weinstein Hired Ex-Mossad Agents to Spy on his Accusers

According to Globes, Black Cube’s primary field of operation is intimidating victims of harassment on behalf of the prominent individuals who harassed them.

PM Netanyahu Shows Us What to Do with Fake News and Fake “Moderate” Hamas...

Netanyahu thows the new Hamas document into the garbage, where it belongs.

Netanyahu Says the NY Times Lacks Moral Clarity

Netanyahu was responding to the NY Times' positive portrayal of arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti.

Impotent Rage About Trump Directed at Steve Bannon

The witch hunt against Bannon is animated by the impotent rage of the "anyone but Trumpers."

First Jewish Members Appointed to Germany’s Nazi Looted Art Panel

Last March, Culture Minister Grütters faced shocked protests after telling the New York Times that if a Jew is appointed to the commission his “would be the only voice who would be prejudiced.”

Clinton Slams Staffer Sidney Blumenthal’s Anti-Zionist Son’s Putdown of Elie Wiesel

If this means Sidney Blumenthal's clout in the Clinton camp has lost some of its shine, too, then the entire scandal was well worth it.

Report: J-Street Received More Than $500,000 to Promote Obama’s Iran Deal

The Obama administration tapped J-Street via a wealthy US foundation to carry out a propaganda campaign for its Iran nuclear deal.

NY Times Says Abbas Has Given Up on Establishing PA State

The New York Times' editorial Thursday uncharacteristically criticized Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Neurologist Oliver Sacks Dies at Age 82 in New York City

Dr. Sacks was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, neurologists.

One-Third of Americans in Israel Live in Judea and Samaria

An Oxford University professor's new book uncovers what most Israelis know - that the Americans are not "Wild West" cowboys.

Obama: ‘Don’t Judge Me on Whether Deal Ends Iran’s Aggression’

He should have said, "Judge me on whether the deal fuels Iran's aggression."


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-added-no-new-conditions-to-hostage-release-proposal/2024/08/13/

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