Photo Credit: Jerusalem Burial Society

It’s true, not everyone has the fortune or means to live out their days in Israel. Yet, the aspiration to find eternal rest in the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, resonates deeply among Jews worldwide.

There is a widespread belief that interment in Israel is financially out of reach. The Jerusalem Burial Society offers a new perspective: An array of affordable alternatives are available today, rendering this profound wish more attainable than ever before.


One such innovation is our groundbreaking subterranean burial halls, named The Hallowed Halls of Eternal Life (Minharot Olam). These impressive chambers, positioned 165 feet beneath the ground, stand as a testament to modern engineering. Fully equipped with elevators and golf carts for easy accessibility, the Hallowed Halls offer round-the-clock security, live video monitoring, and a reliable intercom system for your peace of mind. Consistent WiFi and mobile reception ensure you remain connected throughout the complex. Ingenious temperature control technology maintains a constant 72-degree Fahrenheit environment year-round, allowing memorial services to proceed undeterred by weather conditions.

The establishment of this pioneering initiative Halls required an immense six-year effort, including constant dialogue with rabbis to ensure strict adherence to Jewish law in its design. Consequently, it not only meets but exceeds the highest halachic standards, earning the endorsement of Israel’s Chief Rabbis. The outcome is a serene and dignified space that pays fitting tribute to the memory of loved ones.

Notwithstanding the advanced technology, Rabbi Moshe Shimon, CEO of the Jerusalem Burial Society, noted that the subterranean cemetery revives an age-old custom. “The very first burial recorded in the Torah also took place underground, in the Machpelah cave,” he said. “It’s a tradition we continue today, albeit with the advantage of modern conveniences.”

Aesthetically pleasing and well-illuminated, the Hallowed Halls are embellished by an extraordinary art installation by globally recognized artist, Gabriel Yvelle. Assembled meticulously from thousands of pieces of metal and tinted glass, the spheres symbolize the enduring cycle of life and eternal light (ner tamid).

The Jerusalem Burial Society emphasizes that the Hallowed Halls are just one of the many burial options on Har Hamenuchot. “Plots in a variety of locations, including under the open sky, are readily available,” says CEO Moshe Shimon. “And while the society conducts all burials in accordance with Jewish law, it is deeply attentive to the specific needs of individual families and mourners,” Shimon assures.

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