With Rosh Chodesh Shvat upon us, schools across Israel are beginning to plant trees.
This initiative was launched by schools in the south, near the Gaza border, in the Eshkol Region School District.
The children there endured over a year of school closures and are coping with severe trauma.
Returning to school – and especially planting new trees of life – has been profoundly therapeutic for them.
The trees were donated by friends of Zo Artzeinu – IsraelTrees.org in memory of the 1,800 victims since October 7th including 600 fallen soldiers.
They will be donating and planting 18,000 fruit trees throughout Israel.
Plant a Tree in Memory of Our Fallen Heroes. Honor their legacy by bringing new life to the land of Israel.
Click here to plant a tree: https://www.israeltrees.org/United4NewLife/?a=Jewishpress.com-article-eshkol-planting
Plant Trees for Tu B’Shvat