Photo Credit: IsraelTrees

The sages said that Tu B’Av the 15th of Av is one of the two greatest festivals of the year. Many years ago the daughters of Jerusalem would go dance in the vineyards on the 15th of Av, and whoever did not have a wife would go there to find himself a bride. The Talmud considers this the greatest festival of the year, with Yom Kippur a close second! As the “full moon” of the month of Av, it is the festival of the future Redemption, marking the end of the tragedy that marred the first part of the month.

Tu B’Av is also the last day to plant many types of fruit trees especially smaller ones like grape vines in Israel, to gain an extra Halachic year YEAR towards orlah. Smaller Trees planted before Tu B’Av begin to take root, and in ONLY 45 days are considered rooted enough in the ground to be counted as year 1 towards orlah. Then after Rosh Hashana will begin year 2 of orlah! Had the same tree been planted right after the previous Rosh Hashana the farmer has to wait a full year for the 1st year or orlah. By planting right before this Tu B’Av the farmer can save 10 & ½ months in the cost of water, fertilizer weeding, and other expenses involved in caring for fruit trees.


Since there is not much profit in produce from fruit trees and is quite a risky investment, this halachic loophole is a real game changer for observant farmers who want to settle the Holy Land. For this reason, Holy Farmers like Menachem, Chaim, and Shalom must plant BEFORE Tu B’Av ends and need YOUR help. While our enemies are bombing us from the Northern and Gaza borders trying to destroy us and the Holy Land, these Holy Farmers want to plant MORE fruit trees to show we are here to STAY FOREVER! They will do all the work risking their LIVES, but need all the help they can get. Order a tree and they will plant it. Those who help are partners with them in all the mitzvot, and Hashem blesses those who help keep the מצוות התלויות בארץ.

“I will ordain my Blessing for you” (וְצִוִּ֤יתִי אֶת־בִּרְכָתִי֙ לָכֶ֔ם (ויקרא כה

Holy farmers like Menachem, Chaim, Shalom want to Share the Bracha!

Thanks to a matching donor, every one who helps farmers in Israel plant fruit trees for Tu B’Av, will be matched! Double the planting Double the Blessing.

Just enter promo code: JP (The matching donor offer expires August 31st)

Click to Plant Now!

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