Home Authors Posts by Aliza Abrams Konig and Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Aliza Abrams Konig and Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Aliza Abrams Konig is the chief of staff at the Yeshiva University Rabbi Jonathan Sacks-Herenstein Center for Values and Leadership. She is also the surrogacy consultant for I Was Supposed to Have a Baby, and runs a non-denominational Jewish support group over WhatsApp for people going through surrogacy. Rabbi Ezra Schwartz is a rosh yeshiva and associate director of RIETS, and the Harry Rabin Chair in Talmud and Jewish Law at Yeshiva University.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/surrogacy-much-more-than-just-a-journey/2024/08/01/

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