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The People of Israel Live

Us, not them…us!

Before I went to bed, I wrote this on Facebook:


The news says two Arab terrorists attempted to stab a soldier near Hebron/Kiryat Arba and were neutralized…no injuries (to the soldiers).

What the news doesn’t say is that my daughter called me because she and her friends heard the shots and were told to go inside. The dorm counselor locked the gates.

What the news doesn’t say is that all day long, Arabs have been stoning cars (one man murdered) after his car was hit by rocks and then he was deliberately run over by a Palestinian driver (who is not being protected by the Palestinian police).

What the news doesn’t tell you is that again people were stabbed today; again people were hurt, again terror attempted to defeat us and again, today, it was defeated.

Because as we close down for the night, we are not defeated, we are not going to give up. We are saddened by the violence; we are angry at those who do not see and understand that the root cause of this conflict is not (and never has been) Israel.

And tomorrow morning, we will all rise in our beautiful land and we will go to school and we will go to work and we will shop and we will walk and we will be…free and alive and dedicated to being who were were yesterday, who we were today, and who we will be tomorrow. We are the people of Israel. Am Yisrael Chai – the people, the nation of Israel lives.

Then, my daughter called and I could feel she was nervous, bordering on a bit scared and definitely saddened as she listened to a friend crying because the friend’s neighbor had been killed/murdered earlier in the day and my mood went downhill a bit.

I woke this morning, free and alive and dedicated…rededicated to being who I have always been. And a few minutes ago, my daughter sent me pictures of small children handing out Israeli flags, of signs her friends are preparing to hang around Jerusalem. I’ve been seeing similar signs for a while now – they are wonderful…their message uplifting.

We are defiant….we are determined…and most of all, we are dedicated.

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Paula R. Stern is CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company in Israel. Her personal blog, A Soldier's Mother, has been running since 2007. She lives in Maale Adumim with her husband and children, a dog, too many birds, and a desire to write.