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Two weeks ago, Nasrallah gleefully posted “maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week.” Well, they didn’t attack us that night, the next day, last week, last night, or on Tisha b’Av…

Well, they did. They attacked us 6 times on Tisha b’Av – each “time” often included multiple rockets…40 rockets towards Meron, 2 towards Tel Aviv…
But the BIG attack hasn’t come. Iran is slowly backing away after realizing how hard Israel plans to hit back…Hezbollah is losing commanders regularly.
And here, our fear turned to anxiety, anxiety turned to anger, anger turned to resignation of the inevitability of an attack.
The pressure built up…tonight, tomorrow, tonight, tomorrow…so therefore, the last option was Tisha b’Av…I barely slept at night…the howling of the wind sounded like a siren…but the attack didn’t come.
All that’s left, then, is the day…and as the Temple was set afire, we were sure the attack would come…but it didn’t.
And as the fast ended and we gratefully broke our fast, something else broke as well. We are tired of being played with. Inevitability has withdrawn and anger has returned.
Enough already. We all want to get back to normal. The northern residents want to go back home; the southern residents want to begin rebuilding.
It’s time for it to be October 8 while still keeping our promise never to go back to October 6, never allowing our neighbors to repeat October 7.
Perhaps what Israel has to do is set a deadline…what a concept.
For Lebanon – that is simple. You have 10 days to back off the border and return to the legally acceptable cease-fire agreement which places Hezbollah north of the Litani River.
For Iran – not much to do there other than stay alert and remind them that Tehran and other areas will look like Gaza, if they dare.
For Gaza – this too is simple, though it requires international agreement. We have destroyed Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Not entirely, but enough that it will take them years to rebuild. You have 4 days to return ALL the hostages. For 4 days, we will not initiate any battle. We will return fire but not initiate. If hostages are returned, we’ll hold fire for another 3 days to complete the process. After 7 days, no humanitarian aide will enter Gaza, any electricity will be turned off. No water, nothing. If Egypt wants, they can open the border and accept fleeing civilians…each will be checked carefully to ensure no hostages are smuggled out.
And after 7 days, we will accept that we aren’t going to get the hostages back…and then you’ll see wrath unleashed.
For Yemen – the next time you fire on us, Houthi areas will be burned to the ground…again.
If we are to be called “aggressors” and blamed for genocide and condemned in the International Court of Justice and elsewhere – perhaps it’s time to show the world exactly what they are claiming. What’s the worst they can do? Say – wait, now you’re SERIOUSLY doing what we accused you of doing for the last 10 months?
115 hostages…it’s estimated that at least 45 are dead. That leave 70….no one really believes all 70 are still alive. How many soldiers, how many innocent civilians are being killed every week?
It’s time to stop the madness. Time to give a deal one last chance…NOT from begging and a position of weakness, which simply entertains our enemies, but from a position of strength.
Release our hostages NOW…for your own good. Bibi could play this card, just like our enemies are playing with us – if only the politically-motivated protesters and families allowed us to come at this from a position of strength.
You’ve tried your way for 10 months and have failed for the last 7. Now it’s time to do it the right way. Stand behind the government. You don’t have to vote for him. Just stand behind him and let him answer our enemies in the same language they address us.
1 week…and then we start fighting this war just like the Americans fight their wars, just like the British fight theirs. 1 week and we accept you are just playing games with us and all the hostages are dead.
Because, if you don’t stand strongly behind the government, they will be. Your way has failed. Now try unity. Unity WILL work.

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Paula R. Stern is the co-founder of Retraining4Israel (, a new organization working to help olim make aliyah successful. Paula made aliyah over 30 years ago with her husband and their three children. She lives in Maale Adumim and is often referred to as “A Soldier’s Mother”. She is now a happy wife, mother of five (including two sabras), and grandmother, happily sharing her voice and opinions with others. She is also a senior tech writer and lead training instructor at WritePoint Ltd. ( Please visit her new website: