Photo Credit: Gal Berger-Reshet Bet on Twitter
Overturned IDF vehicle killed Arab firebomber Sunday morning.

An Arab terrorist decided to throw a Molotov cocktail at an army jeep. I’ll start off by saying that the soldiers inside the jeep that was hit by the flames of hatred were not hurt.

I’ll add that the army will probably be able to fix the jeep, though on second thought, perhaps not.


And finally, I’ll add that the Arab who threw it…well, he’s definitely seen better days.

In fact, though according to the news here, I’d say he will not even see tomorrow, never mind better days.

The thought first – this was a strong vehicle. It overturned. Amazingly enough, the soldiers inside were not injured. It is unlikely they intentionally caused the vehicle to crash and roll. That was caused by the hail of rocks and firebombs.

As a parallel thought, I’ll add that a few months ago, an Israeli car was firebombed and an 11 year old Israeli girl was severely burned over most of her body. It will take her years to recover, multiple surgeries and more…her parents’ car was destroyed. The difference, I guess, between an armored vehicle and regular cars.

The story is that an army unit went in during the night to issue summons orders. When they came out, they were attacked with huge rocks and firebombs. They knew that they needed to get out of the village before dawn but the ambush was well planned; the soldiers trapped.

In trying to evade one barrage, they were hit with a firebomb and, crashed, and the jeep turned over (inadvertently pinning and killing one of the terrorists).

As fuel dripped from the smashed engine, the soldiers managed to get out and had to fight their way through rioting Arabs as the army sent in more fighters to help rescue them.

And now the question – when you hear about this incident…what will you hear…and what will you think?

You will hear that Israeli soldiers driving an army jeep ran over a Palestinian and killed him. That is likely all you will hear, if you even hear that.

You will not hear that the Palestinian had just tossed a firebomb at the soldiers; that others were surrounding the vehicle and throwing boulders at them. You will not hear that the soldiers were surrounded and likely feared for their lives; nor will you hear how old these soldiers are…likely close to the same age as that Palestinian under the jeep who met his death solely because he chose violence…as the Palestinians have been doing for decades.

You will not hear that even the parents of the young Palestinian there were out rioting and screaming…only later to find that their son was a victim of his own actions, a martyr to Islam and stupidity.

You will not hear that soldiers risked their lives to go in and save their besieged brothers in arms. You might hear that there were no injuries among the soldiers and take that to mean that the soldiers were not in danger.

The story you will likely hear will assign all the blame to Israel and none to the Palestinians. It will refer to him as a “victim” but won’t admit that he, like most Darwin Award winners, are often the victims of their own stupidity…and in this case, this young man was not only a victim of his own stupidity but a victim of the culture in which he was raised.

He was not, in reality, killed by the jeep or the soldiers but rather by the society in which he was raised…that is the true story here, the one you will probably never hear on CNN, BBC, Sky and NBC and ABC and Reuters.

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Paula R. Stern is the co-founder of Retraining4Israel (, a new organization working to help olim make aliyah successful. Paula made aliyah over 30 years ago with her husband and their three children. She lives in Maale Adumim and is often referred to as “A Soldier’s Mother”. She is now a happy wife, mother of five (including two sabras), and grandmother, happily sharing her voice and opinions with others. She is also a senior tech writer and lead training instructor at WritePoint Ltd. ( Please visit her new website: