It is no secret that Israel needs something dramatic to pull the country out of the national malaise and confusion that has fallen upon us over the past decade well before the current war. For a variety of reasons, it has become less clear who we are as a nation. To revitalize the Zionist spirit of the Nation, the future Prime Minister needs to charter a new/old path to restore our identity as a dynamic Jewish State capable to being a light to the nations of the world. For and foremost we need to return to Hashem and follows His ways instead of following ours. This is the root of all of our troubles as we were recently reminded in the Torah portion of Bechukotei. Among a long list of changes, the time has come for the Government of Israel to announce the beginning of a National Emergency Aliyah Project to Save Diaspora Jewry. Firstly, it would help get our minds off the lingering war and our inner squabbles and continuing division. Secondly, a serious national project harnessing all of Israel’s manpower and resources would be a dynamic catalyst to revitalize Israel’s economy and provide tens of thousands of jobs, from city planners, architects, construction workers, ulpan teachers, social workers, grocers, medical professionals, etc., who will all be enlisted in the mass absorption of a million new Jewish olim. Thirdly, it would save myriads of Jews who otherwise will be lost in the denouement of the Diaspora, whether via the growing anti-Semitism and violence or through the ever-increasing assimilation which no amount of money and Jewish Identity programs can stop.

What would such a plan entail? Without presenting a 20-page proposal, here are some suggestions to get our clever Jewish minds thinking creatively – outside the existing Aliyah frameworks, which were not carved in stone at Sinai, but which have lasted almost as long without notable successes over the last 40 years.



Obviously, a lot of money will be needed for such a gigantic national undertaking. With Israel already hard-pressed to finance the war effort and to help its army of unemployed workers, where will the funds be found to successfully absorb a massive surge of new immigrants into the country? First, I suggest that the Jewish Agency, the World Zionist Organization, and other similar government and quasi-government agencies be totally reorganized and shrunken by two-thirds in order to lessen their astronomical budgets. Let the tens of millions of dollars be used to help needy olim from less affluent countries than America – (and there are plenty of potential middle-class olim from America who aren’t wealthy Jews). This sweeping overhaul of our existing dinosaur agencies could funnel 100-million-dollars plus to the Emergency Aliyah and Klita Project.

Additionally, if the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs wants to increase Israel’s connection with Diaspora Jewry, let the Jews of the Diaspora pick up the tab, or simply do away with the Diaspora Affairs Ministry altogether. No amount of Jewish Education can counter the spiraling rate of assimilation and the anti-Israel propaganda on college campuses throughout North America. It’s a huge waste of money. The only thing that can stop the 60-70% rate of intermarriage is Aliyah. Intermarriage exists in Israel too, but it is miniscule compared to the growing disaster in the Diaspora. Instead of relying on the financial support of non-Jews, who may or may not have hidden agendas for supporting Aliyah organizations, let the next Israeli leader appeal to the Jewish multi-millionaires and billionaires of the world. Let them be the grand patrons picking up the tab to bring Jews back to the Jewish Homeland instead of turning for help to the followers of the Christian messiah.

Education: “Let the Jewish People Go!”

To face the truth, most Jews of Galut won’t make Aliyah because of religious or Zionist ideology, nor because of the threat of riots in the streets of their Gentile colleges and cities. They are so ensconced in their comfortable abodes, so in love with their foreign identities, and so deluded with their illusions that “it will never happen here in America and England,” that most Jews in the Galut won’t think to come to the Promised Land until the wild rabble pounds on their doors with sledgehammers and axes, and then it will be too late. Therefore, the next leader of Israel, whomever he or she may be, has to call out loudly to all of the Rabbis in the Diaspora, to all of the leaders of Major Jewish Organizations, to all the editors of Jewish newspapers, and to all Jewish parents: “Jewish leaders of the world, Jewish educators, Jewish parents, urge you congregants, your members, your readers, and your children to make Aliyah now! Let the Jewish People Go!”

Klita: Olim Cities

Let construction begin right now on a network of Olim Cities throughout the country.

Each city will have a new hospital for all of the Jewish doctors who will be arriving; a high-tech, start-up, industrial park for the wizards of Silicone Valley; expansive movie studios for the Jews of Hollywood; sports stadiums, tennis courts, artificial lakes, retirement communities, old-age homes, Starbucks, Bloomingdales, and educational institutions of all persuasions. For the Jews of Williamsburg, Crown Heights, Boro Park, Lakewood, and Monsey, new Haredi cities like Betar Illit will be built. We’ll erect a replica of the Brooklyn Bridge for them if it will help persuade them to come!

Some people say that olim are better absorbed by placing them in existing cities, mixed in with the Israelis, but this more often causes a feeling of isolation and many olim decide to return to their places of origin. Ultra-modern Olim Cities, like the “Ma’abarot” tent camps of old, will create a feeling of community and support, everyone together, all for one and one for all. A National Aliyah Project will give new immigrants a sense of faith and confidence stemming from the feeling that Israel really cares. The Olim Cities will be like large “Mercazei Klita” absorption centers, facilitating the transition to permanent residences throughout the country. Families who want to stay can stay. At first, single olim can live in tents, small families in caravans, and larger families in caravillas. Young people will be encouraged to join the army or enlist in projects of national service, like helping to build the infrastructure and roads of the Olim Cities themselves, alongside Israelis, without non-Jewish workers, and with simultaneous work-training courses offered in a wide range of fields. Special employment agencies will help adults find jobs. Government grants, donated by wealthy Jews and Jewish communities the world over, will be available for immigrants who need financial help.

The possibilities are endless. So are the details of such an endeavor. Here, we simply present some basic ideas. To get this jumbo jet of Aliyah off the ground, we need a Jewish leader with courage. A national leader who isn’t afraid to dream, a Jew filled with a deep faith in Hashem and with a bulldozer personality to lift the Zionist wagon out of the mud and to carry the Nation forward with a cry of “Kedima! After me! If you will it, it can be.”

Any candidates for the job?

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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.