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Am Yisrael Chai

    Please Take Care of this Today

    A major injustice is occurring in Israel that I wanted to bring to your attention.

    Real Jewish Unity

    My wife and I were eating Friday night Shabbat dinner in one of the Israeli hotels, when we noticed a family sitting next to...

    Retire in Israel? There’s a Better Way!

    I have spoken to thousands of people about making Aliyah and have received some very interesting reasons why – even though they would love...

    Murdered 31 Years Ago – But Still My Rebbe

    Rabbi Kahane gave us answers to "controversial subjects"… and most of them were not “politically correct” … but they were “Jewishly correct!”

    Meet the Arab American Businessman Terrorist

    The security forces are baffled… he doesn’t fit the perfect description!

    Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?

    A person I know well – who has been a proud leftist from the day we met – recently said to me that Kahane was right.

    Your Nation is Calling

    The world can’t figure something out; Why are Jews in the Diaspora helping Israel in enormous proportions and – even more unbelievable – why,...

    What Have We Really Learned from Yom Ha’Shoah?

    Many years ago, a major debate erupted in the new and young State of Israel...

    75 Reasons Why I Love Israel

    It is very common to read about the problems in Israel and to hear the criticism. How about pausing that for a while and trying to focus on the good?

    Whatever Happened to “Never Again”?

    I joined the Jewish Defense League in 1972 because of their slogan “Never Again”. The JDL had been formed 4 years earlier and I...

    It’s All About Us

    129 countries voted against the Jewish people... who do we blame?

    Beware the PLAN-demic Jewish Cult

    People have been convinced to stop following the Covid safety guidelines. This has resulted in many people getting sick and even dying and I hold this group accountable for their deaths!

    World Opinion is Changing Against Israel

    We are here to stay and – like it or not – we will conquer Gaza and destroy whoever stands in our way

    If I Were the Israeli Ambassador

    Recently, Israel’s Ambassador to the USA, Michael Herzog, was summoned to a meeting with Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman...

    Fighting Like Judah the Maccabee

    The Jewish people need to stand proud and begin educating the world - even the founding of America was inspired and motivated by many of our Jewish leaders and warriors.

    And Now What?

    After October 7th, what actions are we expected to take?

    Learned Nothing in 18 Years

    , Zehut (“Identity” in English) is a new political party in Israel that was started by myself and a few others, including Moshe Feiglin who is our party’s Chairman. The Zehut plan calls for assisted emigration for all Arabs living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Part 1 deals with those who want to leave and offers them full compensation for their homes (if built legally) and financial assistance to take their families out of Israel.

    We Need to be the Light

    Whether we like it or not, the eyes of the world are on little, tiny Israel. The NY times and CNN report about Israel as if we are the size of Russia and China combined!

    They Are NOT Our Cousins

    What about the line that “we both come from Avraham”?? Wouldn’t that make us one big happy (or miserable) family??

    How to Achieve Jewish Unity

    People throw around the term “Jewish unity” all the time, but what does it mean and how do we achieve that important goal? Do we have to agree with everyone?

    When Will the Wars End?

    It has been 76 years and it feels as though we have been at war every one of those years! This is not an exaggeration.

    From One Mask to Another 

    In 1991 while waiting for a SCUD, I didn’t follow the rules and instead drank a BUD… but in 2020 I am ready for the TASK by caring for neighbors and wearing my MASK. 

    Good Luck, Prime Minister Bennett

    I would guess that you wouldn’t have thought that I would write such an article, but I did…

    Short Neck Syndrome

    Over and over again the Torah tells us how to fight the enemy, but these guidelines don’t fit well in the “play-nice” world of 2023.

    Prophecy Coming to Life!

    Making the Desert Bloom-Just look at the pictures...

    You Won’t Believe What Happened in my Shul in Herzliya

    While everyone agrees with those saying “Bring Them Home” – we completely disagree with the weak and defeatist attitude of those willing to free the next Sinwar, as he was freed in the Shalit deal!

    Israel at 75 – The Future is Bright

    Huh! Not worried about the protests? Not worried about the hatred in the eyes of the left? Not worried about the lack of unity among the people?

    IDF Soldiers are Our Future Leaders

    Why is it so challenging to find people capable of leading the Jewish Nation?

    How to be Happy on Sukkot During These Crazy Times

    When I can’t learn Daf Yomi with my regular Rav, I make sure to watch and listen to Rabbi Eli Stefansky’s amazing daf on...


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/am-yisrael-chai/please-take-care-of-this-today/2022/03/06/

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