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 Muslims should have nothing to fear with Allah on their side and one should also remember that anyone that wishes to oppose the law of Allah i.e. Shariah and the final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon), whether in the East or West, can only expect humiliation in this life and the Hereafter.

A jihadist group, “Islamic Emergency Defence” (IED),  has set up a website and hotline in the UK for Muslims to to report non-Muslim initiatives and demos. Cloaking themselves with the fictional Muslim victimhood, the website sets up an alert system as an excuse to dispatch Muslim mobs  to create havoc and violence where counter jihadist and pro-freedom demos are taking place. Think of it as vigilante sharia militias.

slamic Emergency Defence is much more than just a think-tank. Our aim is to build a national network of Muslim volunteers who are ready and able to protect and defend any Muslim from verbal and physical abuse.

Here’s an excerpt:(thanks to Simone for sending in the link.)

“We have already launched an emergency hotline that provides instant access for any Muslim to report an incident, which inshaa’allah will be resolved in a swift and Islamic manner; however, we cannot emphasise enough how much we need your support, particularly from the Muslim youth. As for those who are planning or who have committed anti-Muslim hate crimes they must know that their hooliganism will not be tolerated by the Muslim community…, and if the police and national government continue to stand by and do nothing, then Muslims must stand side by side to support each other.

We would like to remind all Muslims that to aid another Muslim facing aggression is an Islamic obligation, and that we will all be held accountable before Allah on the Day of Judgement if we sit by and do nothing.”


Ginning up the jihad rhetoric. Sounds like someone is itching for a war.

Remember the more incidents are reported the more we as a community can come together to confront the problem, and inshaa’allah eradicate it.

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