Photo Credit: public image

Yesterday the BBC published a piece about a small anti-racist protest in Dover. The headline? ‘Anti-racism protesters gather in Dover’.

This is the image that they used for that headline:


BBC Anti-racists? Or pro-Hamas supporters

This is an inexcusable lie from BBC News. It is vile, dangerous – and does not need a report or 2000+ word explanation to lay out the case. This is one of those occasions where the image does all the talking, and another of the examples of ‘activism posing as news’ that can be used if the BBC are ever held to account (a few more examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

The image clearly shows a crowd full of Palestinian flags and a banner from an extremist group ‘Thanet 4 Palestine’ can be seen at the front. There may be anti-racists somewhere in the crowd, but we cannot see them – and they are not the headline act. Given what we can see it is totally dishonest to even try to identify this crowd as an anti-racist one. That is the choice these people made when they agreed to be fronted by an anti-Israel position.

This crowd visibly identifies as a group of terrorist supporting Palestinian nationalists waving the flag of an antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-democratic, Islamist society with a history of deadly terrorism. These are not ‘anti-racists’. Certainly not in any dictionary printed outside of Tehran.

And make no mistake, this is dangerous disinformation that the BBC is spreading. When you reach this point – when the Palestinian flag becomes identified with anti-racism – then the reverse also becomes true. A perfect ‘foil’ as a good friend said to me. Those waving the Israeli flag automatically become the ‘racists’.

This leading image is not an accident or oversight. It is the result of decades of drip-fed antisemitism into the DNA of the BBC (and much of mainstream media and academia). On one side the process was enabled through the established hard-left ‘woke’ section of the British civil service. The other, an inevitable side effect of hard-left blindness, the corruption from within that takes place when you strive for diversity while using toxic sources such as ex Al-Jazeera staffers as a recruitment pool.

This is why you will see a queue of unacceptable and antisemitic experts brought in by the BBC – but you would rarely see anyone like me. My position as a staunch opponent of the very people that the BBC views as ‘anti-racist’ (people waving Palestinian flags) – places me well outside the BBC Overton window.

Any organisation infected so badly by the virus of antisemitism will never be able to correct itself. The BBC is spreading anti-Jewish hatred and must be held to account. This image proves it beyond any argument. Make sure it gets spread widely.

{Reposted from the author’s blog}

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David Collier has been writing on the subject of Israel for years and is currently researching anti-Zionist forces on the university campus. During the Oslo years, he coordinated projects between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority and published his own newspaper which was printed in Ramallah.