He Might Possibly Maybe Have Said What?? I’m Outraged!!
I wish there were a publication and verification process for gedolim.
Lost in Targum?
Chief Rabbi Lau the Younger is not going to be big on reinterpreting traditional Jewish sources to meet contemporary problems.
Boycott Google!
Imagine a Google ad that brings together a Jew and an Arab who were separated due to the Nakba.
BMG’s Money Bin
Does anyone out there know where it all goes?
Top 10 Sayings by R. Shteinman That’ll Make You Fall in Love with Him
Here is why opponents of R Shteinman think you should oppose him too.
The Forward Newspaper Reveals They Side with the Greeks
The Forward resents the hegemony of the Hasmoneans.
Why Do We Say the Angels Cried into Isaac’s Eyes?
This post will attempt to explain how the idea of the crying angels developed.
The desire to have contact with the dead, especially one's own relatives, is apparently universal.
1,2,3,4, Let’s Have a Twitter War
I am the crybaby, when he's the one who threw the original hissyfit
Not How You Do Hasbarah
I think the apartheid analogy is badly flawed.
Shutdown Post
Arguing and fighting is good for America.
Why Did Kayin Kill Hevel? (Rabbi Goldin Gets It Wrong)
The Rabbis are not sharing Big Ideas, they're arguing about nothing more than the plain meaning of the verse.
All groups have a mix of both good and bad people; it's the ratio that differentiates us.
God’s Difficult Six Days
The beast's tremendous bulk makes its continued existence impractical.
Everything I Need to Know in Life, I Learned from Parshas Vayerah
The absolute worst things you can do is mistreat the powerless and to behave selfishly #GOP...
Something New that Makes Me Blue: Ruach Halacha
This reduces the halachic process to an entirely ad hoc system.
Leah Aharoni Hearts Apocryphal Heroines
Yehudis and Chana are not part of our holy Mesorah!
A few Questions to Lover of Pope Pius XII
Why did the Pope excommunicate every single Communist in the world, but never excommunicate a single Nazi?
Union Jacked
Saul is neither the first nor the last of the wolf pack to unite the tribes.
Open-Ended Orthodoxy
The question that I always have for those who are not invested in the revelation at Sinai is, why keep these 613 mitzvot?
Timeless Torah values
A competent preacher can make the Torah seem to support any cause he desires.
The Sinai Lie
Sinai is not history, Sinai is a happening.
Does Frumkeit Poison Everything?
Critical thinking just isn't kosher
You Never Forget your First
Hundreds of thousands of Jews participate in Daf Yomi at some point.
Why Do We Need an Asifa?
DovBear Blog: Huge argument are raging right now on Twitter about the next big Internet Asifa scheduled for the end of May in Citi Field. DovBear briefly summarize the positions, and refutes them.
Objective Morality
Human beings are not objective. We're highly subjective creatures.
Bullish on Hanukkah
We should view the Hillel and Shammai schools' dispute in the context of their founders.
Facebook Stock Drop: Divine Blessing for Marc Zuckerberg
G-d blessed Facebook’s CEO with this poignant lesson. Right as we approach the Day of Judgment, followed by times of Repentance, and the final celebration of Atonement, He blesses all of Israel with this lesson as well.
Shafranian Evolution
See what you've done, YCT? You've made R. Shafran legitimize RIETS!
New Square Redux
I was never so disgusted at a display of honor before or after.