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Some speak of timeless Torah values, but the reality is that a competent preacher can make the Torah seem to support any cause he desires. Are you pro slavery? We have a verse for that! Are you anti slavery? Take a look at the prophets. How do you feel about black people? Depending on your view you may wish to embrace the universalistic first chapter of Genesis, or the not so universalistic interpretations of the Ham story. But go ahead and turn it and turn it again because, honestly, its all in there.

So what do we learn from this?  How about this take away:  That fact that this is so malleable makes it impossible to determine what is correct without falling back on your own judgement and your own morality which, in reality, is what all of us always do anyway.


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DovBear blogs at: DovBear. For lack of a better metaphor, please consider this blog a very large shabbos table, where we sit together and discuss the parsha, the news, and other events of the day. Sometimes we yell, often we gossip, and, once in a while, the talk turns salacious. Our arguments are lively, but at the end of the day, its all just talk. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of The Jewish Press