Is Israel a Colony?
The only one reason that Jews came to the land of Israel was because it was home that is central to their religion, beliefs, hopes and lives. As to the imperial question: the only imperialists still in the Middle East are the Islamic Arabs
My Peace Plan: Part One
Sometimes what seems the least acceptable proposal is actually the only real proposal, in contact with reality and morality. So here goes, here are some of the principles of my Peace Plan for real progress in the Arab-Israeli Conflict:
What Do Jews in Judea and Samaria Think About Their Arab Neighbors?
Racism in thought, hatred in feeling or damage to life and property in practice, are all the opposite of the basic spiritual and moral fundamentals of the "settler" movement's perspective
The Clueless Experts
Pundits, who with bias and hubris appoint themselves the world's arbiters probably have little real knowledge-at best-about the reality in the Middle East in general or Israel in particular
The New York Times Declares War on the Jewish State of Israel
UNESCO reminds us once again – as if we needed reminding – that the UN is hugely populated with four types of nations: the brainless scare-crow, the heartless tin-man, the cowardly lion and Dorothy.
Religion and War?
Those who claim to be pluralists and reject religion, regard all religions as equally guilty of preaching war. But are they?
First Wrong, then Hate
The evil planned and partially perpetrated against the Jews, in Israel, is one of the causes that drive Arab society's hatred of Jewish Israel.
We Cannot Build on Palestinian Lands
As there never was an independent, Arabic state called Palestine, there cannot be any Palestinian territory. The Arabs in fact rejected the UN Partition Plan which would have given them that state
Seventy Years – a Milestone for Israel
A belated Happy 70th Birthday to Israel.
The Emperor’s Clothes and Stating the Truth
PM Netanyahu clearly pointed out in the video that the Palestinian authority's demand for a Jew-free, 'Judenrein' area is called ethnic cleansing and is a crime against morality and humanity.
The Restoration of Jewish Sovereignty in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)
Fifty years, the number of years of the Jubilee cycle, is a significant time post. I believe all honest, truth loving and justice seeking people in the world should join us in rejoicing
The UNESCO Follies
The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) mentions Jerusalem more than 660 times. The Qur'an – zero (0). That is a VERY lopsided boxscore.
Vive La France-But their Conference?
What motivated France to initiate this conference? Is it deeply-rooted anti-Semitism? Appease the Muslims so that perhaps France will cease to be a target for Islamic terrorism?
Half a Loaf
When I came to live in Israel decades ago it seemed as if there was a neighborhood grocery on almost every street. You could...
Sue the Universe!
"Lawfare" at its finest: The Palestinian Authority intends to sue the British government because of the Balfour Declaration
Two States for Me, None For You
The root of the Israel-Arab problem hasn't changed in 68 years: Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish right to national self-determination in our ancestral homeland.
A Melody of Misinformation
Sorry Melody, Palestine before 1948 and the declaration of the State of Israel generally meant 'Jewish.'
Cultural Appropriation
When I was a kid they hadn't invented "cultural appropriation" yet. Instead we were allowed to take anything from any culture, since all humanity was one big family, and imitating someone was a high sign of respect. Since then copying something from another culture has supposedly become an alleged crime against humanity, somehow.
Rosh Hashana: Recalled to Life
Here in Israel we are living once again, the past around us, the future before us; in the diaspora, the exile, the past is so very far distant in the past and the future is buried as long as Jews choose to remain buried.
Positive Nationalism and Negative Nationalism
There never was nor will be, an Arab Palestine, because so-called Palestinian nationalism exists not because of an authentic history but because it was created to increase hatred of the Jewish nation
A Pre-Occupation with an Occupation that Doesn’t Exist!
The legal definition of occupation is limited to land formerly been under the legal control of another sovereign state, therefore NONE of Israel is "occupied"
Jerusalem My Jerusalem
Do Christianity and Islam have the same relations, laws and customs regarding Jerusalem? I'm not an expert, but to the best of my knowledge the answer is: no.
The Kotel and All Jews
1% of Israeli synagogues aren't Orthodox. An overwhelming majority of Israelis are either Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, or traditional – and the synagogue they go to on occasion is the traditional Orthodox synagogue
There Are No Palestinian Lands
Some on the left have become confused, absorbing the false Arab narrative about "Palestinian lands," though never in history has there existed either a Palestinian people or an Arab Palestinian state
What is a “Settler”?
Why is the term "settlements" used to describe Jewish communities in a land where the Jewish nation and Judaism thrived from time immemorial?
My Peace Plan: Part Two
People should no longer be held hostage to a political plan to destroy Israel or return to homes that haven't existed in decades--if ever.