Silence on Palestinian Epidemic of “Suicide by IDF”?
Cutting-edge reporting is not so sharp.
American Logic (Eldertoons)
It all makes perfect sense if you are schizophrenic.
The Only Remaining People Under Military Occupation in the World
Mahmoud Abbas shamelessly lied to the President of the United States in front of the entire world.
Work Accident Arab Media Won’t Discuss
Clearly, al-Ijah blew himself up.
What REALLY is the Temple Mount “Status Quo?”
According to Arabs, whatever they say
Tom Friedman: Congress Prefers Jewish Votes to Obama’s Iran Plan
Friedman doesn't think anything bad will happen, and by gosh, that's all anyone needs!
First the @NYTimes Publishes Op-ed Supporting Terrorism. THEN it publishes THE Map That Lies
oThe NYT published another anti-Israel op-ed that justifies the recent pogroms against Jews by Israeli Arabs as a natural reaction to being second-class citizens,
Trump’s IAC speech is a Rorschach Test of the Jewish left
Let's be clear: the only people who are upset over a President, or anyone, saying that people should love Israel more are people who hate Israel.
UNRWA Didn’t get $75 million from the US by Deadline.
Let's see if the dire predictions come true.
Nearly 60% of ALL 2024 NYC Hate Crimes Have Been Against Jews
For the first six months of the year, based on these monthly reports, over 59% of the hate crimes in New York City have been anti-Jewish hate crimes - 223 out of 377.
American Studies Association Endorses BDS (Poster)
You truly need to be an academic to be so stupid as to endorse this.
Syrian Conference at Hebrew U Shows Hating Israel is Truly a Mental Disease
These Arabs complaining that Syrians who are desperate to save thousands of lives and are willing to ask anyone for help, including Israel, are "conspirators" with Israel and "traitors" to Syria.
Palestinians Cry: Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue Rebuilding is ‘Illegitimate!’
Their claims are ludicrous once you know that it the land was purchased by Jews in the 1840s, completed in 1872, destroyed by the Jordanians in 1948
Arabs Angry Gigi Hadid Hates Antisemitism
Arab media is very upset about this. And they seem more upset over her support of the Jewish people than for her removal of her anti-Israel posts.
Apartheid is a term used purely for propaganda purposes when applied to Israel
Believe it or Not…
A far higher percentage of Israeli Arabs vote for Zionist parties than there are American Jewish anti-Zionists
More evidence that the EU is anti-Israel….
The definition of CHUTZPAH: The EU trying to steal as much land in Area C as it can to give to Palestinians and wanting to sue Israel to be compensated for its (the EU's) illegal actions
Women’s March Hires Nation of Islam to do Security
The Women's March is paying an antisemitic, anti-gay, anti-white, misogynist hate group - while at the same time pretending to adhere to Unity Principles that are against everything Nation of Islam stands for.
Vaccine Vitriol: Hating Israel more than Valuing Palestinian Lives
The ONLY inquiry Palestinians are demanding is why the PA almost bought vaccines that they claim were of "inferior" quality. The PA, naturally, has to defend its "honor" by canceling the deal.
Rabbis for Human Rights Add a Haggadah Reading Quoting – Menachem Begin! Here is...
Too many groups forget that Jews have rights, too.
How to Explain “Racist” Netanyahu’s Unprecedented Support of Arabs?
Netanyahu is a politician, and for the past decade, he's been a very good one. His political instincts are what helps him accomplish his vision for Israel. His vision for Israel is a state where the Arabs are treated as equals and given all the same opportunities as Jews in a Jewish state.
Barack Obama’s Condescending “Friendly Advice” to Israel
Obama's language assumes that Israel is not adhering to international law. That is condescending and false.
What Reporters Need to Know During Operation Protective Edge
Beware of the "creative license" reporters and spokespeople take to claim maximal harm to Gazans by Israel.
Another Fishy claim: “Holocaust refugees were sheltered in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria”
I cannot even find an anecdote of Jews who somehow managed to sneak into Egypt, Syria or Lebanon, which is not proof it didn't happen...but if it did, it doesn't sound like it was anything close to these Arab countries sheltering European Jews.
Violent Video Celebrating Fatah’s Terror Anniversary
The visuals show the importance of violence for the culture of Fatah.
More Evidence Gaza Death Statistics Not Close to Accurate
This is at least the third report that shows the statistical anomalies of total reported deaths in Gaza, all from different angles.
Using Media Logic, I just “PROVED” Obama Encouraged Violence Against Jews!
the number of assaults against Jews - the most serious category the ADL tracks - went up dramatically when Obama was in office and has gone down significantly since Trump has been president.
Why are Israelis SO HAPPY (ranked #9 on world happiness index)?
An idiot claims he knows THE reason Israelis are happy and Palestinians are not: The Jews are STEALING Palestinian happiness!
Does Hanan Ashrawi Think Nikki Haley is Unmarried?
After decades of being able to attack Israel with no opposition, the PLO has no idea how to handle someone like Haley who actually announces the fact that the Palestinian emperor has no clothes