Photo Credit: Likud-Herut-UK / Twitter

There are two groups that attend anti-Israel rallies.

One group styles themselves as being liberal, open-minded, very concerned about human rights, only wanting peace and so, so concerned over Palestinians who are killed during a war their side started. These people swear up and down that they are non-violent, against antisemitism and that they want Israel to go away quietly and peacefully as a result of world pressure and boycotts.


The other are young Arab men who grew up with pure Jew-hatred. They are intolerant of women, of gays, they don’t care about the environment. They share none of the supposed principles of the kumbaya crowd, with the exception of wanting to see the Jewish state destroyed and of the role they take of eternal victims with no agency.

The latter group is behind the torrent of antisemitic attacks we see happening every day in the West. They are the ones who are driving around in gangs, looking for Jews to intimidate or attack. They are directly threatening Jews on social media thousands of times a day.

This is unprecedented.

For decades, Jews have been able to walk around safely in most major cities without fear, without even considering hiding their kippot or Star of David necklaces. Jews used to be most afraid of being attacked by Blacks, but over time that has become much less of an issue with the exception of the recent uptick of attacks in Brooklyn. Antisemitism has always been there but it definitely lessened. ADL statistics has seen it go down steadily since the 90s.

But this is different than even the ’60s. Now Jews have to worry about gangs who are targeting them because they are Jews.

Why have these Arab gangs suddenly become so emboldened to form posses to attack Jews?

Because of the first group.

The fine distinctions that Leftist Israel haters try to make between anti-Zionism and antisemitism are completely invisible to Arabs. They hate Israel because, not despite the fact, it is filled with Jews. Antisemitism is the entire source of the conflict. Their parents and preachers don’t teach them to hate Zionists but Jews. They look at their Jewish allies as tools and as dhimmis, not as role models.

The attackers find strength in numbers, they see that they have the Left on their side, they are riled up by thousands of lies about Israel by speaker after speaker and tweet after tweet, they get validation from members of Congress and other liars and bigots who say that Israel is guilty of genocide and apartheid and ethnic cleansing, they are primed to violence from lurid and often faked photos of dead kids, they are whipped up into a frenzy from the hypnotic anti-Israel and antisemitic chants.

And they are in large cities with lots of identifiable Jews all around, who must pay for these crimes.

It is a recipe for violence.

The Arab gangs are engaged in what they know best: terrorism. After all, the point of terrorism isn’t the attacks themselves but the feat that the attacks create among the targets. These Arabs are importing terror from their Middle Eastern cousins, doing everything they can to frighten Jews. They feel, correctly, that they have reached a critical mass with fellow Arabs in their respective Western countries.

Crucially, they are being given cover by the secular Left, publishing articles that justify terror and the idea that Palestinians are justified in doing anything they want to Jews because all’s fair in “resistance.”

Arabs are sensitive to being shamed. They have not acted like this before in America because the idea of wanton violence against Jews was shameful. Now, and their Leftist allies give them intellectual cover – and they will never, ever shame them.

The Leftist anti-Zionists could shame them into stopping their attacks. They could make it clear that they want nothing to do with the antisemites. They could stand up and say that they will not be allies with Jew-haters and will not march with bigots. They could demand that mosques and Muslim leaders clearly denounce the attacks (they certainly will not do that on their own.) But these people who claim to speak truth to power will never, ever call out violence by Arabs They refuse to do that, because they are all about solidarity and allyship and, let’s face it, they don’t want to say anything negative about people of color who want to attack Jews.

The Leftist enablers also know that the Arabs would turn on them next if they say anything negative about their antisemitism.

Instead, the “progressives” issue weak statements against antisemitism and then return to their “From the river to the sea” chants to incite the next round of attacks.

The only solution is to shame the attackers. The only people who can do that are tacitly condoning the attacks.

This is a nearly perfect storm that is bringing up an entirely new class of Jew-hatred to America.

{Reposted from the Elder of Ziyon blog}

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