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Felafel on Rye

    BREAKING PURIMSPIEL NEWS: Pres. Trump Undergoing Conversion to Judaism

    Trump is considering entering Israeli politics and declaring his candidacy to become Prime Minister of the Jewish State. Mazel tov!


    It shall come to (com)pass that the Jews will return to Zion.

    Bibi is the BEST

    However, even with all of Bibi’s glaring failures and horrific mistakes, I cannot agree with their conclusion that Netanyahu must be replaced.

    God Doesn’t Change His Mind

    So why do millions of Jews still live in foreign, Gentile lands and not in Israel now that we are free to return there in answer to our daily prayers for the past 2000 years?

    Juiceless Judaism

    What is the Yearning for Redemption?


    A freilichen to all and to all, a freilichen

    Semi-Baal T’shuva

    As long as someone lives outside of Eretz Yisrael, he fails to observe the Torah commandment of living in Israel which our Sages say is equal in weight to all of the other Torah commandments together!

    Curing Amnesia the EASY Way: Just Say the Following…

    All you have to do is repeat the very first verse stated to Avraham 100 times each day until you make Aliyah: “Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house to the Land that I will show you….”

    Mashiach is on the Way

    Keep up the weeding, boys! Let the Bad Guys have it.

    Jerusalem or Brooklyn? That is THE Question

    An inspiring story of teshuva and tough decisions that were, in retrospect, obvious

    Rabbi Kook on Ahavah

    Today, when the cancer of disunity and fraternal hatred threatens the foundation of our Nation, it is beneficial to recall Rabbi Kook’s teaching on Ahavah.

    In Memory of Cherna

    Cherna Moskowitz remained faithful to her husband’s mission, his lifelong helper, during their marriage and long afterwards, a true woman of valor and builder of Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and the Torah

    Woe for Diaspora Jews

    Woe for Diaspora Jews  Here's my updated lamentation for this Tisha B'Av:  Woe for Diaspora leaders who don't urge their congregations to make aliyah!  Woe for Jewish...

    Major League Judaism

    Now that we can come home, why linger on in gentiles countries which are becoming more hostile every day?

    What Would Rabbi Kahane Say?

    A true Jewish leader does whatever needs to be done without worrying what the goyim will think.

    The State of Israel is Holy

    How does the State of Israel fit into Judaism? The answer is often misunderstood  due to the fact that for nearly 2000 years we were scattered over the world, without a National Homeland of our own and without a State of our own.

    Bring our People Home! – A Letter to Minister Chikli

    In the name of many veteran olim from the West who are now Aliyah activists, we wish you great success in the critical challenge before you.

    Emergency Aliyah Conference

    Due to the urgency and seriousness of the situation, and to the likelihood that world Jewry will face greater outbursts of hatred as Israel continues to fight its very just war, we have to think “out-of-the-box.” Old formulas won’t help.

    A Light Unto The Nations – Only In Israel

    One cannot rightly call a community a “light to the nations” when more than half of it is assimilating. It isn’t a light even unto itself.

    10,000 Visit Plains Of Jericho During Pesach

    We have managed to survive here due to Divine Providence alone.

    Report: Shabak Steps Up Efforts To Recruit Settler Spies

    I left the station with the feeling that he had played a game of pinball in my brain.

    Lone Soldiers Who Aren’t Alone

    We also prepare the guys physically and spiritually for the army along with teaching them the tools needed to deal with the often frustrating bureaucracy in Israel.

    Charedi Minister: I Was Drawn to Blue And White’s Mission

    When I entered the Knesset, I was put under a magnifying glass because of who I am – both from secular and charedi society. Instead of evaluating my professional achievements, each side questioned my suitability and tested me.

    Shaare Zedek President: Pandemic End Is In Sight

    You do not need 100 percent to achieve herd immunity, and I don’t think we should chase after it.

    How to Understand the Right-Wing Religious Zionists Parties

    Before Bibi gets through with Bennett and Sa'ar, they are going to be hanging on to one another like punch-drunk boxers in the center of the ring.

    The Family Rapaport: On The Nationalist Front Lines

    Amongst secular Jews, our rightful attachment to the full borders of Eretz Yisrael is a political bargaining chip, not an iron-clad covenant from Sinai.

    Fighting For 70 Yesha Communities

    If you wanted to give the kids showers, you turned on the boiler and switched off the refrigerator. If you wanted to bake a cake, you turned off the heater.

    The Jewish Underground, The Jewish Press, And Little Old Me

    They succeeded in planting a car bomb that blew the legs off the mayor of Shechem, who had vowed to dance on Jewish graves and chase the settlers out of the land.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/felafel-on-rye/rabbi-kahanes-tells-aipac-where-to-go-2/2025/03/14/

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