4th of July – Gut Yom Tov!
Yesterday, in what smacks of a Middle Age witch hunt and blood libel, I was ridiculed and attacked by two supposedly liberal Jewish bloggers. This is all the more interesting since their attack on me falls on the 4th of July, which for them is a cherished holy day, honoring the American principles of equality, pluralism, and freedom of speech, which obviously don’t apply to “idiot lunatic Zionists” like me who disagree with their leftist, anti-Torah opinions.
Rabbi Kahane’s Tells AIPAC Where To Go
Come Home!
The Fourth of July is Coming – Who Cares?
To all of my beloved Jewish brothers and sisters in America, go ahead and eat your hot dogs. Drink your beer. But don’t think that the Fourth of July is really Independence Day for you. Remember that your nation is Israel, not America. Your hearts should beat proudly when you see the Star of David blowing in the wind, not the Stars and Stripes. And always remember that you are only in America, temporarily, because of the curse of galut.
“The People Shall Rise Up Like a Lion!”
Not only are the streets of Jerusalem inundated with the smoke of burning embers; but hillsides and streets all over the country are lit up with the fiery love of Torah which kindles in every heart. Not only the streets, but the smoke of these holy bonfires penetrates into every single apartment and house, like the aroma of incense on the Temple’s altar, penetrating through windows and concrete walls to reveal the inner spirit of every Israeli soul, of every Israeli home.
Jews! Three Days to Get Out!
Rabbi Kook decries the tragedy of Jewish education in the Diaspora because it fails to teach that the Land of Israel is an indivisible part of being Jewish,
How the Left Lies
The next time you read anything about Israel by a Leftist, beware. You are only hearing half of the story.
Efrat Hit Hard By Covid-19, Second Only To Bnei Brak
We know that many people carry the virus without getting overly sick, or without manifesting any symptoms at all. This might have saved economies that are now crumbling under the strain of the minimized work force.
Letter to Our Son, the Soldier
In a world that lives by the sword, Israel must take up the sword too, not sit and pray for miracles
Don’t Worry! Be Happy!
Even if you haven’t yet atoned for all of your sins, Don’t worry! Be Happy! As long as you are sincerely trying, this is what really counts.
History Repeats Itself
I love the Jewish People. That’s why I write what I write. History repeats itself. What happened in Spain and Germany will, in one way or another, transpire in America, France, and England, too
Shabbat Lovers To Take To The Street
On Shabbat Parshat Bo, we call upon everyone throughout the Land to demonstrate their love for our day of holiness and rest.
My Desperate Fight To Save Gush Katif
Protestors demanded that we break down the fence surrounding Kfar Maimon.... Yesha leaders and rabbis called for patience. All through the night and the following morning, the tension increased.
Migron Headache
How can it be that in this clear time of Redemption, when millions of Jews have returned to the Land of Israel from the four corners of the world, in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy that crises and setbacks like the evacuation of Migron still occur?
Rashi Was a Zionist Racist
Almost everyone is familiar with the famous first Rashi on the Torah. He asks why does the Torah begin with the account of Creation? After all, since the Torah contains the commandments which Hashem gave to Am Yisrael, it should have begun the precept concerning Rosh Chodesh - the first commandment given to the Israelite Nation.
Hilltop Youth Battle The IDF Over Expulsion Order
Golani soldiers attempted to arrest several youngsters and fired shots in the air over their heads.
Rocket Ship of T’shuva
Sudden t’shuva is different. It seems to come about all at once with superhuman energy and willpower.
Book Week in Israel
Why are so many Jewish writers in America screaming Leftists? Why do they consider their Israeli brothers “occupiers,” and champion the Palestinian cause?
Yes, There are Rightist Artists – Me!
To boost aliya, Israel will encourage Marshall’s, Costco, K Mart & Entenmann’s Bakeries to open here
Detention Camps for American Jews?
Detention Camps for US Jews? Sounds farfetched but it did to Japanese-Americans during WW II as well
Some Breslov Chassidim Made It To Uman, Most Have Not
Thousands have been stranded in Belarus, prevented from continuing across the border, but those with money can pay a bribe of $2,200 to the authorities to be smuggled into Uman.
Would American Jews Have Told Moses to Get Lost?
The darkness of materialism is so great, who can fight against it?
Beyond Words – Rabbi Meir Kahane at His Very Best
Why be a Jew!!! It is an agonizing cry from the souls of tens of thousands of young Jews who assimilate, integrate and disappear into the outer space beyond Judaism. It is THE cry, THE question. It is asked by young men and women who have seen the emptiness and the vapidness of the Judaism they grew up with.
Major League Judaism
Now that we can come home, why linger on in gentiles countries which are becoming more hostile every day?
“And you shall tell your sons”…the truth
As Hashem didn’t want us to continue living in Egypt, He doesn’t want us to continue living in Brooklyn or Brussels today. Hashem gave us the Land of Israel to live in
IDF Drops Rosh Yeshiva For Opposing Female Combat Roles
The Jewish Press asked Rav Kustiner if the IDF command has responded to the storm of protest. “Not that I am aware of,” he replied. “I am only a very tiny screw in the system. They don’t ask my opinion.”
How to Understand the Right-Wing Religious Zionists Parties
Before Bibi gets through with Bennett and Sa'ar, they are going to be hanging on to one another like punch-drunk boxers in the center of the ring.
Netzarim Family Recalls A Nightmare
It isn't something readily comprehensible when your own Jewish army and Jewish government throw you out of your home in the Jewish homeland.
Where Are The Real Maccabees Buried?
We know, however, that the open graves off of Highway 443 opposite Modi'in are certainly not from the time of the Maccabees.
Hilchos Aliyah: Kissing The Ground, Shehechiyanu, & More
Rabbi Abba kissed the stones – which don’t yield fruit or produce – to demonstrate that the Land was holy in and of itself.
An Etrog Tree Doesn’t Grow in Brooklyn
If it did it would die. Just the way the Diaspora is destined to die. The etrog tree doesn’t belong in Brooklyn. The climate isn’t right for it. It’s the same with the lulav, hadasim, and aravot. The four species which we are commanded to take for ourselves on the Festival of Sukkot are indigenous to Eretz Yisrael, just as the Torah is indigenous to Eretz Yisrael, and the Jewish People are indigenous to Eretz Yisrael. We belong in Eretz Yisrael. All of the holidays are intrinsically connected to Eretz Yisrael. The Torah was designed and fashioned by the Almighty to be observed in Eretz Yisrael.