Photo Credit: Stand With Israel Committee
Pro-Israel rally in New York City shows its support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Sept. 21, 2023

The original usage of the term “headhunter” applied to a person who sought out an enemy, decapitated him, and kept his head as a trophy. Today the term describes a person who is given the task of finding a suitable candidate for some high-level position. In a literary way, it could be said that when talking about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both meanings apply.

We are all familiar with the strident “Just Not Bibi” campaign which has accompanied the protests of the political Left in Israel over the past decade, whether in regard to the Two-State Solution, Coronavirus, Judicial Reform, and October 7th.


Until recently, the anti-Bibi campaigns were supported by the Israel Left, the leftist media, and their foreign Deep State/Woke/Progressive Liberal financers who want to make Israel into a secular leftist State like the State of California.

Now, due to the terrible pain, frustration, trauma, and despair over the seemingly unending quagmire of war with Hamas, voices on the Right of the political spectrum in Israel have begun to express a similar “Bibi is Finished” message.

For example, in an Israel National News Op-Ed, the highly respected, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, details in a very insightful and erudite fashion, Bibi’s long list of tragic mistakes before reaching the conclusion that Israel is in dire need of new leadership.

Similarly, the super pro-Israel activist, Rabbi Yishai Fleisher, delivers a passionate and well-supported argument showing how Bibi’s painful failures outweigh his many achievements, strongly questioning his ability to further lead the country. Is Netanyahu Finished?

Personally, I concur with 99% of the arguments cited by these two outstanding lovers of Israel.

However, even with all of Bibi’s glaring failures and horrific mistakes, I cannot agree with their conclusion that Netanyahu must be replaced. For the simple reason – who is any better? Bennett who partnered with an Arab to build his short-lived coalition?  The Haredi basher Lieberman? Moshe Fleiglin who will most likely fail to win the necessary number of votes to enter the Knesset in the next elections?

At this moment of time, no matter how unpleasant the reality is, Bibi is the best leader (or non-leader) that we have.

If I were to shoot from my hip out of anguish and anger, I too would call out for Bibi’s replacement. But I ask you again – replace him with whom?    

At the very least, Netanyahu is somehow holding the battered ship together, with no lack of achievements along the way, as Rabbis Fleisher and Pruzansky affirm.

Sure, it would have been great if our bombers had pounded the Hamas tunnels into dust, with our elite commandos storming in to finish the job and heroically rescue the hostages, but, of course, in that event the Hamas devils would have killed the hostages on the spot – which is the reason that military action was never taken.

And, as students of Israeli politics well know, with the Deep State’s control of the government, Prime Minister Netanyahu is not always free to command the army to do what he wills, nor is he constitutionally able to amputate the poisonous power of the Supreme Court, nor silence the cancerous leftist media which works around the clock in Israel and abroad to stifle everything the political Right in Israel would like to do for the betterment of the country, both in protecting its security and safeguarding its Jewish Identity.

Wherever Bibi turns his hands are tied. Whatever he wants to do he is stifled.

Our Sages teach us not to judge our fellow until we have stood in his place. Yes, Bibi is guilty of many grave offences.

Certainly, he must be criticized. But who is there to replace him at this crucial time?

A leftist government would be one-thousand times worse! Israel would be woked and deep-stated to death, Heaven forbid, by whomever assumed Bibi’s place. Eretz Yisrael would be cut into pieces like chopped liver. All Jewish education would vanish from our schools and all businesses, stores, and government institutions would operate on Shabbat.

As of the moment, while sharply criticizing Netanyahu for the current wholesale freeing of terrorists, the vast majority of leading Rabbis warn the national camp not to take steps to further weaken the government which could lead to new elections and even greater hardship than hair-pulling anguish which we are experiencing now.

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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.