Photo Credit: Courtesy TF

A source in the White House has revealed that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is currently in the process of converting to Judaism.

According to the source, the clandestine conversion is being conducted by Israel’s new Ambassador to the United States, Yechiel Leiter who is also an Orthodox Rabbi. Leiter has been teaching the President about the foundations of the Jewish religion during their official meetings on the relations between the two countries.


Trump has shown remarkable progress, no doubt because of the fact that his daughter, Ivanka converted to Judaism over a decade ago and because the President’s grandchildren learn in Jewish schools. The source says that the conversion will be concluded, including immersion in a mikva (ritual bath) and the traditional circumcision (brit milah), in Israel during an official Presidential visit.

Because of a Jewish law which forbids a Jew from leaving the Land of Israel, Trump is planning to make Aliyah and take up residence in the Jewish State. While Trump remains in office as President and the Executive Commander of the United States Armed Forces, a replica of the White House will be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and Mr. Trump will conduct his Presidential duties from the holy site by phone. Regarding predicted opposition to the plan from the Muslims, the President is reported to have said: “Let them all move to Mecca! The Jewish People had their Temple here 2000 years before Mohammud was born. The property belongs to the Jews – there is no question about it.” Trump has suggested that he will personally buy the Temple Mount (known as Har HaBayit) in order to end the long-lasting friction between the Muslims and the Israelis regarding ownership of the site. What will happen in another four years when Trump’s term of office comes to an end?

The source in the White House says that Mr. Trump is considering entering Israeli politics and declaring his candidacy to become Prime Minister of the Jewish State. Mazel tov!      


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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.