Photo Credit: Courtesy
Portrait of Rav Meir Kahane (z"L) by Miriam Gottesman

Dear Reader,

Bear with me. You don’t have to be a mystic to figure out what Rabbi Meir Kahane is thinking in Heaven these days. One thing is sure. Looking down on the Jewish People he loved, his gigantic Jewish soul is certainly filled with an anguishing pain. On the other hand, because of his towering faith in the Almighty, he is surely calmed by the knowledge that everything will turn out good in the end. So without trying to duplicate the Rabbi’s inimitable style here’s a guess at what he would tell us today if he could: 


Dear friends. Often I hear people saying, “Kahane was right.” This doesn’t make me happy in the least. Who cares? Will this recognition and honor bring back to life all of the Jews who were slaughtered by Arab terrorists who should have been expelled from our country decades ago? Saying that Rabbi Kahane was right is meaningless until you act on what I said. But no. There’s been no change. It’s politics as usual. They talk about changing conceptions, but everything remains exactly the same. Why? Let me tell you why: Because the people who run the government don’t believe in God. The leaders of this country aren’t filled with the faith in Hashem that a true Jewish leader must have. A true Jewish leader does whatever needs to be done without worrying what the goyim will think. A true Jewish leader like David HaMelech chases relentlessly after the enemy until those who rise against Israel and God are destroyed. A true Jewish leader doesn’t bend down to America after every huff and puff. He doesn’t check to see what the media is saying. He carries out the will of Hashem as brought down in the Torah, trusting that God will do His promised part of the Covenant if we keep ours. Read “Bechukotei.”  

I couldn’t care less when people say that Kahane was right. It doesn’t swell up my ego. What does it matter if I was right or wrong when Jewish blood flows like water throughout our Cherished Holy Land?  

What drives me equally crazy is the silent Holocaust that is eating away at our brothers and sisters who have chosen against God’s will to remain in Gentile lands, places where we are not wanted and we find ourselves once again despised. Assimilation is soaring and nothing is done about it because nothing can be done about it. So long as Moishe rubs elbows with the Barbies on campus, Diaspora Judaism is doomed. But the Federations and Presidents of Major Jewish organizations turn their heads away and smile just like they did 70 years ago when they called me a curse. And the comfortable Modern Orthodox congregations still proclaim “It won’t happen to our kids.” And the Haredim continue to bury their heads in their Gemorot as if Medinat Yisrael didn’t exist, believing that everything comes from Hashem except the State of Israel.  

And now the explosion of anti-Semitism wherever you gaze. And the bewildered look of confusion on the face of the Diaspora Jew. “How could it be?” he thinks. “Could it happen again? Surely, this nightmare will pass.” What folly! What ignorance! Has he learned nothing about Jewish History? True, after the Holocaust, the goyim felt that they has exaggerated in their slaughter of the Jews. So they shut their mouths and hung their heads in a masquerade of shame. But a generation passed and a new generation was born who doesn’t know what the Holocaust is. And lo and behold the old Jew hatred is back. Boker tov, children. Maybe we forgot the old mantra that we killed their god, but they haven’t. They are weaned on it. It exists in their bones. And what do we do? How does the Jew in foreign Gentile countries react to the new/old Jew hatred?  Like we always reacted – with disbelief and confusion, just as in the days of Shushan when the Jews were “confused.” Just like in Germany when the Jews didn’t want to believe, even when they were herded into airless cattle cars on the way to the ovens of Auschwitz. Wake up my stubborn people! The God of Israel does not want His children to live in South Florida or Lakewood, New Jersey. Either you listen to His call in the Torah and return to the good Land He gave us, or the goyim will force you to realize that you are no longer wanted in their lands and on their college campuses. Go forth, get out, while you can. 

Jews, brothers and sisters in Israel and in America and France and England and Melbourne, Australia – open your eyes. Turn back to God. That is the only solution. Not Israel’s military prowess will save the day nor the money of American Jews. Turn back to Hashem and be saved. For salvation comes only from the Lord God of Israel. Yes, He gives our soldiers might, and those young martyrs are the pride of our nation, but the might derives from the Almighty. From whence will come our salvation? From the Lord. Return to our God and His Torah. He has promised that we shall all be ingathered to our Homeland and, one way or another, whether in happiness or pain, He shall bring it to pass. We shall return – all who are still able to return after His patience runs out. For the moment the choice is still ours.  

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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.