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Klansman David Duke (L) with neo-Nazi Klansman Don Black, in the good old 1980's, before Duke started following Jewish bloggers for his anti-Semitic fodder.

I don’t know David Dukes. I never heard of him. I don’t know who he is other than being another one of the tens of millions of Jew haters who pollute cyberspace with their anti-Semitic dribble. Someone sent me an article he wrote about one of my recent blogs at The Jewish Press, in which he accuses me of fostering a doctrine of Jewish Supremacy. He accompanied his diatribe with a photo of me taken on Purim when I was wearing a fake streimmel with fake dangling peyes. Obviously, he thinks that’s my normal garb – which shows what an astute expert he is. Here’s his article, followed by a duke or two of my own:

Leading Jewish Author Says Gentiles Who Do Not Support Jews are Cursed by God

A telling insight into the psychology of Jewish Supremacism has been provided by a leading Israeli author and winner of the Israeli Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture, to the effect that those gentiles who do not support Jews are cursed by God.

Writing in an op-ed piece in the  Jewish news source, The Jewish Press, best-selling (In Israel and among Jews) author Tzvi Fishmansaid that “whoever blesses the Children of Abraham will be blessed, and whoever curses them will be cursed in return.”

His article, significantly published in one of the world’s leading Jewish publications, illustrates well that the real problem is not just Zionism, but rather Jewish Supremacism, of which Zionism is merely the latest manifestation.

In a typical display of Jewish Supremacist hypocrisy, Fishman in his article blames America’s dire economic situation on American gentiles, saying that they are suffering because they no longer support Israel.

In reality, the dire economy is a result of Jewish Supremacist manipulation of the banking system and American government.

This in turn has plunged the world into an economic crisis because of the bank bail-out—which was ultimately caused by the Jewish-designed “subprime mortgage” system.

“The reason for America’s precarious economic situation is clear. At the beginning of our history, God informs Abraham that he will be a blessing to the world. The nations that are good to Abraham’s offspring will be blessed, and the nations that suppress Israel will be cursed,” Fishman wrote.

“In the past, the United States helped the State of Israel in many ways, but now, instead of helping Israelis settle all of the Land that God gave to the Jews, America has the gall to tell us where we can live in Jerusalem and our Biblical homeland, and where we cannot,” he continued.

”That certainly is not blessing the Jewish People. So it isn’t surprising that America is being threatened with economic collapse – along with Europe and the rest of the countries that are against our free and unlimited settlement in the Land of our Forefathers.”

This belief that God has given the Jews the right to do as they please–even if it means ethnically cleansing Palestinians—and that gentiles must unilaterally support these crazed Jewish fantasies—is one of the most common themes of Jewish Supremacism.

It seems as if they genuinely believe that they have been appointed by God to rule over all Gentiles!

“The first plague in Egypt turned the Nile River to blood. Rashi explains that when God punishes a nation, He begins by punishing their gods. The Egyptians worshipped the Nile, just as America worships money. That’s why America’s economy has been taking a beating.”Fishman continued.

“The only solution is to stop pressuring Israel not to build in Jerusalem and the rest of Biblical Israel. If America hopes to escape the financial collapse that is coming, the United States must support Israel’s settlement in every way it can. As God told Abraham – whoever blesses the Children of Abraham will be blessed, and whoever curses them will be cursed in return.”

It should be remembered that this is not the raving of some lone lunatic, but a decorated and respected member of Israeli society, hosted and lauded at the highest levels.

It is a dramatic insight into how Jewish Supremacists view the world and of how they regard all gentiles as their natural, god-ordained, slaves.

First of all, I stand by what I wrote. After all, that’s what God told to Avraham. The nations which are good to Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed. It’s a part of Duke’s Bible too, if he would take the trouble to read it.

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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.