I’m not presenting all this to get down on the goyim. What they do is their business. Rather, this concise history of January 1st should make Jews think twice before they celebrate New Year’s and take part in its heathen festivities. With such a rich and wonderful heritage as ours, why copy the impostors Why make drunken slobs out of ourselves when we are sons of the King? Why take a shiksa or two home from the bar? We have the real Rosh Hashanah and the Torah of truth. Why join the drunken countdown celebrating the circumcision of Jeezeus? To me, it doesn’t make any sense.
Why Celebrate the Circumcision of Jezeus?
The history of January 1st should make Jews think twice before they celebrate New Year’s and take part in its heathen festivities.
Photo Credit: Yori Yanover based on image by FLASH90