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Woe for Diaspora Jews 

Here’s my updated lamentation for this Tisha B’Av: 


Woe for Diaspora leaders who don’t urge their congregations to make aliyah! 

Woe for Jewish Diaspora organizations who build new Jewish communities in gentile countries. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who have fallen into the sin of the spies. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who don’t place Jerusalem as their highest joy. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who don’t yearn for salvation from the galut. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who pledge allegiance to a foreign nation. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who have made a new Torah called Diasporism. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who evade fighting in the war in Israel. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who don’t rush to defend the Promised Land and its Jews. 

Woe for Diaspora Jewish youth who are raised on falsehood and vanity. 

Woe for Diaspora Jewry which is assimilating into oblivion. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who think a new glatt kosher steakhouse is a sign of vibrant Jewish life.  

Woe for Diaspora Jews who ignore the inevitable ever-repeating truths of Jewish history. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who cling blindly to empty illusions and American dreams.  

Woe for Diaspora Jews who utter empty prayers for the ingathering of Diaspora Jews and the end of the exile. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews who vow “Next year in Jerusalem” without meaning it at all. 

Woe for Diaspora Jews.  


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Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Creativity and Jewish Culture for his novel "Tevye in the Promised Land." A wide selection of his books are available at Amazon. His recent movie "Stories of Rebbe Nachman" The DVD of the movie is available online.