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Jodi Rudoren

Who could have imagined that her invective could become worse?

On January 20, Rudoren published an interview she had with an affable Jewish actor named Joshua Malina, about his career on ‘The West Wing’ and other shows. One would imagine something light-hearted.



She opened her Malina piece with some personal comments about The West Wing‘s fictional White House pondering Middle East Peace compared to reality today:

Of course Netanyahu’s far-right and racist partners would not even consider the proposals for refugee resettlement and international control of parts of Jerusalem…. It is difficult to fathom these extremists even sitting for Shabbat dinner while their Palestinian counterparts pray outside.

There was no such observation about the anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying, Palestinian Arab terrorist neighbors.

After feeding (choking) the witness, Malina responded that while he was a “lefty” in politics, he had to contend with co-stars who were “super lefty.” These alt-left Jews (very much like Rudoren) were extremely aggressive, “particularly the Jews, the liberal Jews behind the scenes and in the cast, had a hard time finding space for the Israeli perspective. I remember trying to be a proponent of nuance.

Perhaps sensing the rebuke, Rudoren responded “I, too, am a committed proponent of nuance.

What a joke.

And sickness.

Two things struck me in reading the article.

First, however bad The New York Times was (and is) about portraying Israelis as racist, sinister invaders and murderers, and simultaneously absolving the Palestinians of even the most-heinous crimes and blatant anti-Semitism, the paper is actually BETTER than how liberal non-Orthodox Jews discuss Israel among themselves.

The second observation was that the woke believe they are nuanced. To imagine otherwise would presumably not be open-minded, a feature ascribed to the opposition. They believe that they have honestly assessed the situation and correctly concluded that religious people (only Jews and Christians mind you) are racists and close-minded at their core, embedded in right-wing extremism and nationalism. Progressives are not the counterpoint to people on the right reaching the opposite conclusion, but the only thinking party on the issues.

The righteous smugness and blindness of it all.

Progressive anti-Zionism has become common in politics, college campuses and mainstream media. Each is being fed the lines of the alt-right “Jews will not replace us,” by super-lefty non-Orthodox Jews like Jodi Rudoren and her counterpart at Haaretz, prepackaged and sanitized with the false banner of “nuance”.

Pitchforks and tiki torches are passé, and don’t burn into minds of the masses the way that the woke intelligentsia’s propaganda drip permeates society.

The Jewish anti-Zionist vanguard has given people a fast track to popularity and highbrow society, with easy anti-Semitic slurs which can be openly uttered in public. ‘The Forward’ is the Jewish fortune cookie which is unfortunately not read quietly, scoffed at and tossed, but read allowed, enjoyed by friends, and taped to a wall for posterity.

Related articles:

The Root of Left-Wing Anti-Zionism in Congress is Left-Wing Jews

For The NY Times, Antisemitism Exists Because the Alt-Right is Racist and Israel is Racist

Reading Roduren: “Unrest by Palestinians”

If Palestinians are Scared, it Must be Real

Honor Killings in Gaza

The Right Number of Anti-Semites in Congress

Peter Beinart is an Apologist for Anti-Semites

NY Times Repeatedly Tells Its Readers That An Israeli Supported A Mass Murderer, But Never That Many Palestinians Embrace Many Terrorists

The Media’s Divergent Coverage of Abbas’ “50 Holocausts”

The Progressive New World Order Flips The Holocaust From Anti-Semitism To Woke Fodder

No One Mentions Actual Palestinians’ Sentiments

You Cannot Be Progressive And Pro-Palestinian

{Reposted from the author’s blog}

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Paul Gherkin is founder of the website FirstOneThrough, which is dedicated to educating people on Israel, the United States, Judaism and science in an entertaining manner so they speak up and take action. In a connected digital world, each person can be a spokesperson by disseminating news to thousands of people by forwarding articles or videos to people, or using the information to fight on behalf of a cause because In a connected digital world. YOU are FirstOneThrough.