{Originally posted to the author’s blog}
There is a major battle underway between Socialists and Capitalists in America which is using a template that the Arab countries used to attack Israel in 1967. It is a four step battle plan, many of which have recently been effectuated by the far left.
- Deny the Enemy Rights and Legitimacy
- Gather the Masses to the Cause
- Remove the Enemy’s Defenses
- Assemble the Armies for the Battle
This is not a course for a considered debate about priorities and policies but a war of annihilation.
1. Deny the Enemy Rights and Legitimacy
An intellectual debate about approaches to a range of issues is a sign of a healthy democracy. It typically involves the push-and-pull and inevitable compromises that incorporate the spectrum of ideas.
However, a society with parties which only court the base and vilify opponents is deeply broken. It is actually not a single community but two warring parties.
Common arguments used as red meat for loyalists include that:
- The enemy has no moral standing
- The enemy has no rights to its ill-gotten gains
- The narrative and history of the enemy is full of lies and denies the rights of the righteous
- The enemy’s supporters are part-and-parcel of the problem
2. Gather the Masses to the Cause
A path to victory should not just lock in the core base but expand the circle to include additional warriors. Overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers may look democratic in securing a majority, but in tandem with the demonization established earlier in (1), the intense firepower is ripe to engage in widespread destruction.
- Declare a commitment to fight together
- Shared vision of wiping out the foe and its supporters
3. Remove the Enemy’s Defenses
There is no clearer demonstration that the battle is near than when there is a direct call to remove the enemy’s defenses. It also makes abundantly clear that the intent of the battle is not simply to secure a victory but to annihilate the foe.
4. Assemble the Armies for the Battle
Lastly, when the groundwork has been laid, it is time to bring the fight to enemy’s doorstep. Readying all of the combined forces against the corrupt (and now defenseless) power, the victory and decimation of the opponent is a virtual certainty. All that is needed is the battle cry to engage.
Consider how the Arabs used this approach and how the American Socialists are following the format today.
Arab-Israeli Conflict in 1967
The Arab-Israeli Conflict emerged shortly after the San Remo Agreement in 1920 which codified the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The local and regional Arabs tried to destroy the emerging Jewish State but failed to do so from the 1920’s through 1950’s.
Deny enemy rights and legitimacy: Arabs claim Israel has no rights to the land. They call the Jews “colonialists” and “invaders.” Arabs recast history that Jews have no connection to Israel despite 3,300 years of history. They attempt to convince themselves and the world that Jews have no connection to the Hebrews of the bible and that the Palestinian Arabs are Canaanites as opposed to Arabs from Arabia who invaded the Jewish holy land.
Not only are the Jews invaders, but vile ones as well. In 1975, the Arab countries managed to get the United Nations to pass a resolution that Zionism is a form of racism, which only got overturned by the push of the United States in 1991. Even today, the acting-President of the Palestinian Authority says that Jews around the world are hated because of their “function.” The Hamas Charter claims that Jews like “shooting at women, children and old people… [particularly] “where their breadwinning is concerned.”
Gather the Masses to the Cause: Egypt and Syria combined themselves into a United Arab Republic in 1958 to fortify a pan-Arab bloc. They enlisted Jordan into a mutual defense pact in May 1967, as they readied for battle against Israel, encircling it on all sides.
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser said in May 1967 shortly before the Six Day War, “we are not only confronting Israel but also those who created Israel and who are behind Israel. We are confronting Israel and the West as well…. If the United States and Britain are partial to Israel, we must say that our enemy is not only Israel but also the United States and Britain.” On the one year anniversary of the Arab defeat in June 1967, a Palestinian Arab assassinated US Senator Bobby Kennedy. The Arab world then created an oil shortage, crippling the western world’s economy because of their support of Israel.
Remove the Enemy’s Defenses: In May 1967, Egypt ordered the United Nations to remove all of its troops from the Sinai and Gaza Strip which had been stationed there to prevent hostilities between Israel and Egypt. The UN complied, leaving Israel to defend itself by itself from the surrounding forces of several nations.
Assemble the Armies for Battle: Shortly after the UN pulled its troops from the region, the UAR mobilized its troops closer to the Israeli frontier. As Nasser said on May 29, 1967, “Preparations have already been made. We are now ready to confront Israel.”
“Pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews. Show them no mercy.” – Hafez al-Assad, Defense Minister of Syria, during the 6 Day War
This is the battle plan being used by the alt-left today.
Socialist-Capitalist Conflict Today
The alt-left has been laying the ground work for taking private property from the wealthy to redistribute to those considered less fortunate.
Deny enemy rights and legitimacy: The alt-left has been declaring a civil war against various member of society:
- Senator Bernie Sanders who has come close to being the Democratic nominee for president twice has vilified Wall Street as being inherently corrupt saying “the business model of Wall Street is fraud.“
- Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that “a system that allows billionaires to exist” is immoral.
- New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that money in the United States is “in the wrong hands,” setting himself as arbiter of who should have what.
- President Barak Obama set these sentiments in motion when he said “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.“
The basic premise of the far left arguments is that the wealthy should NOT have their money and property. The rich either made the money via fraud (Sanders), took advantage of an immoral system (AOC) or that society has a part in facilitating that wealth, so it is entitled to take a good portion of it (Obama).
The enemy is the 1% according to Obama and it is the White patriarchy in general according to tenet of the movement. History is being recast with the sculptures of America’s founding fathers being pulled from their pedestals including Thomas Jefferson being marked as a slave-owning racist. The BlackLivesMatter is further demanding reparations for slavery of generations ago. Anyone who disagrees with the BLM platform is demonized as a racist, or as Hillary Clinton prefers, “deplorables.”
Gather the Masses to the Cause: Intersectionality is not a new concept but was given credibility only recently. Progressives are using the notion that all disenfranchised people must come together in common cause with each other, as Blacks, LGBT, poor working class, immigrants and others are all suffering because of the racist and corrupt system established by the White patriarchy.
The far left is not only coming for the Patriarchy; they are coming against anyone who does not adhere to the extreme orthodoxy of their cause. Moderate Democrats are being run out of primaries by alt-left radicals. People who make a misstep or allow room for compromise with centrists or right-leaning people are run out of their jobs, whether at universities or the media.
Remove the Enemy’s Defenses: One of the demands of the BLM protests is to “defund the police.” Leaders of the movement in Seattle have demanded that the police departments be completely disbanded. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) went further and said “We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe.”
The call to pull money from police departments had an immediate effect on the public. Shootings skyrocketed all over the country, with cities like Chicago and New York City each having over 60 people shot over weekends.
Assemble the Armies for Battle: Members of the far left have set up “autonomous zones” in which they declare that US laws have no authority. In Seattle, they called the area the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ. In St. Louis, a couple was scared of protesters coming into their private enclave and pulled guns calling for them to leave. The media has portrayed the couple as fanatics attacking a “racial injustice protest” even after a policeman was killed by protesters the week before.
The battle plan is set: declare that your coming for the rich to take their ill-gotten wealth; pull the police from the streets; assemble hundreds of people to take over sections of cities and march through neighborhoods; and vilify anyone who objects or stands to defend themselves and their property.
The Arab countries effectively followed the four step battle plan to annihilate Israel but the Jewish State preemptively attacked in 1967 and thereby avoided being destroyed. The alt-left is following the same blueprint today to tear down America’s economy and perceived hierarchy. It remains to be seen if capitalists will proactively defend themselves before being ridden into oblivion.
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