Most countries were founded by professionals including lawyers and businessmen. Sometimes they included pharmacists, doctors and inventors. Often they included generals and military leaders.
As Palestinians now call for the world to accept a new State of Palestine in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 massacre, it is worth considering a country whose founding fathers are psychopaths and cowards.
Consider that Hamas has ruled Gaza outright since 2007, so every child under 16 years old has only known a land governed by the U.S.-designated terrorist group. On October 7, it assembled well over one thousand people of its army and related groups and invaded Israel, slaughtering children and the elderly. Hamas led the horde to rape, mutilate and butcher Jewish women. They grabbed 240 people and took them into Gaza as hostages.
Members of Hamas clearly meet the definition of evil psychopaths.
The leaders of Gaza were not done with their cruelty.
Knowing that Israel would respond to get their people back, pursue justice for the fallen and make sure that Gazans did not repeat the attack, the leaders of Gaza hid in tunnels developed for their exclusive use and of their army. Readied with power and food, the leaders of Hamas sat tight in the underground bunkers and let women and children suffer from Israel’s bombing campaign above. The leaders of Hamas dined as they let their people starve.
Cowards, everyone of them.

It’s bizarre for people to use the expression “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” when discussing Hamas. This action isn’t similar to Israeli leader Menahem Begin blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946 when it served as the British administrative headquarters, phoning in warnings in advance for people to leave the building. The Hamas henchmen entered people’s homes, bound families together and burned them alive.
Palestinian leadership is horribly twisted and evil.
Despite the deep depravity, a majority of “54% [of Palestinian Arabs] believe that Hamas is the most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people today,” according to a December PCPSR poll.
Palestinians have not disowned their leaders as yellow-bellied maniacs, even as they are being pummeled.
So what will future generations of Palestinian Arabs think about their founding fathers if October 7 turns out to a “war of liberation” the way celebrated by American university professors? Will Palestinian history books discuss how the founders of Palestine raped and sadistically tortured Jewish women? How they shot elderly people waiting at bus stops? How they hid underground comfortably while civilians took the brunt of Israeli reprisals?
Or will they lie to themselves and cleanse history that none of those things happened, even though the Palestinian Arab attackers filmed themselves in the act?
While psychopaths are mostly thought of as people who cannot discern between good and evil, a main feature is pathological lying and portrayal of victimhood. Psychology Today shares that “when caught in the act with their unscrupulous behavior, most sociopaths and psychopaths will not show signs of contrition or remorse (unless it is strategically advantageous for them to do so). On the contrary, they are more likely to double or triple down on their aggressive tendencies, increase hostility, deny responsibility, accuse and blame others, and maintain a facade of arrogance and conceit.”
Yahya Sinwar and the rest of Hamas are already being cleansed of any wrong-doing, with 75% of Palestinians supporting the October 7 massacre. Hamas leadership said that the October 7 massacre “is just the first time and there will be a second, a third, a fourth because we have the determination, the resolve and the capabilities to fight…. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force. We must teach Israel a lesson and we will do this again and again.”
Palestinian supporters argue that Israel’s attacks on Gaza are creating the next generation of terrorists. Jordan’s Queen Rania said Israel’s response in Gaza will “create a new generation of resistance that is fiercer and more violent.”
But it is not so. The repeated “aggressive tendencies, increased hostility” and blaming others are hallmark features of being psychopaths. People led by psychopaths for decades are becoming psychopaths themselves.
James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute was invited to speak to the United Nations Security Council on June 27, 2023, months before the October 7 Massacre. While vigorously defending Palestinians he shared that there is a “tragic deformity in Palestinian political culture” with people preferring violence over peace. After sixteen years of Hamas rule, the “deformity” has metastasized into a deep rot.
A country founded by psychopaths will in all likelihood be a failed state, prominently featuring cruelty, and a populace blind to empathy and reason.
Related articles:
The United Nations Ignores Radical Muslim Violent Extremism and Terrorism
Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials
Hamas Is The Very Definition Of A Genocidal Group
“Deformity in Palestinian Culture” Is A Permanent Feature
{Reposted from the author’s blog}