With Trump, Many Arab Americans are Getting what they Deserve
Voters who should have cared about the suffering in Gaza placed their hatred of Israel ahead of the interests of the Palestinians
As an Arab, I am Sorry
What my people have done to your people on, after, and before October 7--and for decades and even centuries before that--is inexcusable. It can never be repaired.
The West No Longer Can Identify Evil
This should have been obvious long ago, but better late than never.
Israelis Should be Proud
So, the war will continue. The worst of the war may not even yet be over. But while the resolve of Israelis is being tested every day, their will is not broken.
It’s not a Negotiation, it’s BLACKMAIL
Are we doing enough for Israel?
With Oct. 7, We Arabs Reached a New Low
Arab antisemitism is not new. It is much older than modern Israel, but despite that checkered history, October 7 was a new low that can never be forgotten or forgiven.
Take a Hint: Palestinians DON’T Want a State
Once we recognize this obvious reality, let’s look at solutions other than a two-state solution
Endless Whining About the Nakba
Ultimate Sign of Pathetic Palestinian Immaturity
My Affection for an Imperfect Country
But which country IS perfect?
Arab Israelis Can Help End Israel-Arab Wars
If they just would tell the truth about history
Right and Left Must Fight Palestinian Threat TOGETHER
Israel’s friends and partners must be made to understand that Israel cannot indefinitely allow its future to depend on the whims of a Palestinian public that is no closer to accepting Israel today than it was 75 years ago when Israel declared its independence.
Enabling Arab Antisemitism Hasn’t Changed in Two Centuries
The same today as it was in 1840
Guilty Until Proven Innocent–and then STILL Guilty
Convict, and only then hold the trial and look at the evidence
Nakba Day: Annual Reminder that Palestinians Learned Nothing from History
The Jews accepted the Partition Plan whereas the Arabs rejected it. In other words, the Jews chose compromise, and the Arabs gambled on war-and lost.
Where Respectful Prayer is a Crime and Fanatical Violence is a Virtue
In other words, mere Jewish presence on the holiest Jewish site constitutes “defiling” in the eyes of even Israel’s Arab peace partners, and violent opposition to that presence is seen as virtue.
As an Arab, I am Disgusted by Jews–Who Oppose Google’s Israel Contract
As an Arab, I wish that the Google Jewish employees would learn the history of the people that they claim to belong to.
Palestinians are Prisoners of their Own Narrative
The world is going from wanting to help the Palestinians, but not knowing how, to giving up on the Palestinians.
Palestinian–and others–Should Learn from Jews about Anger Management
This Jewish trait is perhaps the explanation behind the Jewish people’s longevity despite having faced discrimination, rejection, resentment, and violence throughout their long history
What the Heck Happened to American Jews?
A substantial percentage of Jews refuse to stand up with their fellow Jews against antisemitism at a time when antisemitism is particularly virulent
The Hypocrisy of Expecting PERFECTION from Israel
Despite its faults, Israel is still far more democratic, far more just, and far more respectful of life and human rights than its enemies (which include my native country Lebanon).
We SHOULD Talk about Systemic Antisemitism
Without systemic antisemitism, it would be impossible to explain why the United Nations condemned Israel 17 times in 2020 while the UN’s combined condemnations of ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ON THE PLANET, including China which is engaged in a genocide of Uighur Muslims, amounted to only 6.
Hamas Played the WORLD
Just like those who did not stand with Israel in previous Israel-Gaza wars, those who did not stand with Israel this time will have blood on their hands.
Let the Statues Fall!
An alternative perspective on the toppling of legends.
What is Israel?
Israel: Something for everyone
Why the World Cares about 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre
I am ashamed that the loss of Arab lives seems to matter to the world only if Israel can be blamed, even indirectly. Mostly, I am ashamed of what this event, like so many others in the history of the Israel-Arab conflict, says about the world’s bias against the only Jewish state.
Pragmatism, Maximalism, and Religionism in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Arab states who had a central role in starting the conflict, may end up being the catalyst that finally infuses the pragmatism that is needed for a solution.
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Can be Solved
It does not make sense to assume that all Palestinian refugees would move to a new Palestinian state. There are several possibilities for these refugees:
Time for Israel to End the Occupation
West Bank annexation means losing the country's Jewish majority or imposing apartheid; inaction is simply too costly
Israel’s Ambiguity in Judea and Samaria Comes at a High Cost
Israel is still losing the battle for public opinion because Israel’s own government is not doing its part. To regain the upper hand in the battle, Israel needs a clear policy in Judea and Samaria,
Jews Should Live Wherever they Wish
Jews should be able to live wherever they choose to live, period, including France, including Judea and Samaria, and even including the Arab world. Anyone who says otherwise is excusing and reinforcing anti-Semitism,