Edy Cohen, or the Truth about Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands
Edy Cohen, was not born in Israel. He is a refugee from Lebanon. Unlike many refugees, he is not waiting for handouts or international sympathy. He has made a life for himself in Israel and advocates for Jewish refugees from Arab lands.
Let the Statues Fall!
An alternative perspective on the toppling of legends.
Fight anti-Semitism at Home, not at your Neighbor’s
There is no sign that anti-Semitism will decline anytime soon, so there is every reason to increase our efforts in fighting it. And for each of us, that means attacking it at home, not at the neighbor’s home.
Why the World Cares about 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre
I am ashamed that the loss of Arab lives seems to matter to the world only if Israel can be blamed, even indirectly. Mostly, I am ashamed of what this event, like so many others in the history of the Israel-Arab conflict, says about the world’s bias against the only Jewish state.
Do NOT Patronize Israeli Arabs over the New Basic Law
Israeli Arabs are noy affected negatively by the new law
The Problem with the Metal Detectors? They’re Jewish
Metal detectors are used in many places in the world, including airports of course, but also Muslim places of worship. So why the big deal at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?
Strike Left-wing anti-Semitism Where it Hurts
It is time to have left-wing parties that can eloquently, loudly, and proudly speak about the history of the Jewish people and about the many challenges that Israel has faced and continues to face.
‘Made in Israel’ means ‘I Love You’
A picture may be worth a 1000 words but the real thing is much tastier and more fun!
Jews Should Live Wherever they Wish
Jews should be able to live wherever they choose to live, period, including France, including Judea and Samaria, and even including the Arab world. Anyone who says otherwise is excusing and reinforcing anti-Semitism,
An Arab’s Tribute to the Jewish Spirit on Israel’s 70th anniversary
Arabs devote their energies to stifling human potential in their own ranks; Jews, on the other hand, devote their energies to building a nation and making it greater every day.
Endless Whining About the Nakba
Ultimate Sign of Pathetic Palestinian Immaturity
If Arab Leaders Were Wise: A Fairy Tale
If Arab leaders were wise, they would recognize that Palestinian nationalism is dead and that its artificially preserved corpse is a hindrance to peace and progress.
How Israel Would Become Palestine
If Israel annexes the West Bank, the Jewish majority in Israel would be reduced immediately from 75% to about 57%, and the Arab minority in Israel would nearly double from 21% to about 40%
A Despicable Act by a People in Dire Need of Introspection
I oppose Jewish settlement building in the West Bank because Israel is allowing the settlements to be used as an excuse by corrupt Palestinian leaders to demonize Israel and to reject peace.
Was it Ethical of Israel Not to Deport Arabs in 1948 and 1967?
The Israeli paradox is that while Israel is thriving as a nation, it has no way to achieve a permanent status as a state whose borders are internationally recognized. It is stuck in limbo.
Christians Punish the Defender of Christians in the Middle East
By betraying the Jews of Israel, Christians are not only continuing a long history of anti-Semitism but also undermining tBy betraying the Jews of Israel, the world’s Christians are betraying the only state in the Middle East that protects Christians from extinction and are undermining their own heritage. heir own heritage.
My Affection for an Imperfect Country
But which country IS perfect?
As an Arab, I am Sorry
What my people have done to your people on, after, and before October 7--and for decades and even centuries before that--is inexcusable. It can never be repaired.
Facebook’s Barely Concealed anti-Semitism
Does Facebook forbids all hateful language? Far from it, unfortunately. While insulting someone that many consider an anti-Semite is unacceptable, Facebook chooses to allow widespread anti-Semitic speech.
Abbas Fools the World
European leaders refuse to face the reality that the Palestinians are led by a charlatan and pretend that organizing a peace conference will deliver the ever elusive peace agreement
An Open Challenge to Aoun: Be a Leader!
ezbullah’s claim of defending Lebanon against Israel and their other claim of liberating Palestine are both bogus, simply excuses to allow them to dominate Lebanon with the support of Iran. So stop being a puppet, and be a leader!
A Letter to my Sisters and Brothers, the Arabs of Israel
The nation-state Basic Law should have surprised no one. Those who were genuinely taken aback by the realization that Jews have a special place in Israel, have never understood what Israel is.
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Can be Solved
It does not make sense to assume that all Palestinian refugees would move to a new Palestinian state. There are several possibilities for these refugees:
Gideon Levy is Drunk on Power
Levy has the power to state the truth, but if he did, he would be just an average journalist that few people would pay attention to. So, he chooses to play to the large anti-Semitic crowd – look at me, he implies, I am an Israeli and a Jew, and therefore your best ally against the state that dares to be Jewish.
The Hypocrisy of Expecting PERFECTION from Israel
Despite its faults, Israel is still far more democratic, far more just, and far more respectful of life and human rights than its enemies (which include my native country Lebanon).
Guilty Until Proven Innocent–and then STILL Guilty
Convict, and only then hold the trial and look at the evidence
Palestinians are Prisoners of their Own Narrative
The world is going from wanting to help the Palestinians, but not knowing how, to giving up on the Palestinians.
Picking up the Pieces after Death of 2 State Solution
In the 69 years of this history, Israelis’ support for the two-state solution, however, has slowly eroded. The main reason is the realization that the Palestinians never wanted it and are not likely to ever want it.
Enabling Arab Antisemitism Hasn’t Changed in Two Centuries
The same today as it was in 1840
Arab Israelis Can Help End Israel-Arab Wars
If they just would tell the truth about history