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Gates of Vienna

    Hijra to Legoland: Cancelled

    It looks like Mohammed will not go to Legoland after all.

    Muslim Obligations in Promoting Justice in America

    On Feb. 22nd, the University of Pennsylvania Law School hosted the “Eighth Annual Muslim Law Students Conference.”

    The EC Knows, Why Doesn’t the FBI?

    On New Year’s Day 2014 a powerful explosion and fire occurred at 514 Cedar Avenue South, in a predominantly Somali neighborhood of Minneapolis.

    Grover Must Go!

    The Center for Security Policy has launched a petition demanding that the American Conservative Union (ACU) expel Grover Norquist.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/gates-of-vienna/hijra-to-legoland-cancelled/2014/02/27/

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