Photo Credit: Wikipedia
View of modern Beit Shemesh from the south

{Originally posted to Rav Zev’s eponymous blog}
I am currently working on wording for a שאלה/She’ela to be asked of the Haredi rabbanim in Bet Shemesh area. (I am willing to bet no one has ever actually asked these questions of a Rav and if indeed they were asked, no where would any answers actually have been published.)

Here it is so far and am open to additions (serious ones only; not looking for jokes)…


I am writing on an urgent matter that requires your assistance please. I need to know if it is מותר (permissible) by Torah law to throw stones at women who are not dressed properly (as defined by your sect)? If it is indeed permissible, may it be to the point of causing bodily harm? If indeed one causes bodily harm, would the one throwing the rock/s be required to pay the חמישה דברים (five forms of compensation) to the one injured, or is this a mitzva and one would not be required to pay? In addition, may one PHYSICALLY grab a woman in order to eject her from a location that is not deemed appropriate by you that she be in attendance. Again, if she is injured, would that person be required to pay her compensation?

On a related question: Is it permissible to attack a soldier in the IDF–either physically attacking with ones’ hands or by throwing stones at them? Is it permissible to call soldiers “Nazis”–the name that was used by the modern-day Amalek– and to associate that label with a fellow Jew? Is verbal abuse permitted by the Torah?

When exercising the right of publicly demonstrating, is it permitted by Torah law to destroy PUBLIC property, such as garbage bins? And finally, based on Torah law, may public demonstrations be held on Shabbat (Shabbos) that automatically lead to Chilul Shabbat?
If indeed any of the above is permitted, may I please have a source so that I may understand the Halachot?

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After living in Chicago for 50 years, the last 10 of which Zev Shandalov served as a shul Rav and teacher in local Orthodox schools, his family made Aliya to Maale Adumim in July 2009. Shandalov currently works as a teacher, mostly teaching private students and at AMIT Boys in Maale Adumim