San Diego, CA under Siege:
As the news blasts from all radio and TV stations, since 2 days ago, San Diego is under heavy missile fire coming from the Mexican border. The city of Chula Vista has been the most damaged so far.
The American people have learned from the Mexican government and its people “how deeply sorry they are” but in fact they cannot stop the fire because it is coming from military dissidents that joined forces with some local guerrillas (calling themselves “freedom fighters for a better Mexico”). This terrorism is been funded by all the “drug cartels” in Mexico for their own good interests.
For the last 2 days, San Diego has been completely paralyzed. All major retail stores such as: Costco, Target, Wal-Mart, etc., along with restaurants and all non-essential service companies have been closed for business. The Aquarium, Sea World, The Zoo and the Wild Animal Park are all closed for visitors, and all employees were sent home on a forced non-paid vacation due to security concerns.
So far there are no human casualties but more than 1.3 million citizens are under heavy siege. Commerce has been paralyzed with beaches, malls and streets empty while citizens secure themselves in bomb shelters and protected rooms – if they have one.
The economy has been severely hurt by the shutdown. Billions of dollars are being lost every day and there is no end to the situation on the horizon in spite of all the “negotiators” and the UN resolution condemning the Mexican aggression.
The Commander in chief:
Today at 8:00 am the President – the commander in chief – has declared the United States of America in a State of War disregarding all international laws under the pretext that “the best interests of the American people are being jeopardized”. Below is the message he delivered to the Nation:
“We, the American people have adopted the “castle doctrine” and the “stand-your-ground law” where a person may justifiably use force in self-defense without an obligation to retreat first.” A fortiori when the wellbeing of the entire nation is concerned.
As a result of the barbaric attack against our sovereign territory and our people, I the commander in chief using the power granted by the War Powers Act (1973) declare war on Mexico. The Congress will be asked to grant its permission in the next few days.”
The president said that belligerent acts coming from Mexican territory are a clear Mexican aggression and act of war against the US and the entire American people. As a result, the American people will not accept any apologies or negotiate with such a “terrorist State” as Mexico.
The American military response:
8:40 today, the third day after the Mexicans commenced their brutal attack, the US has ordered all battle ships stationed in San Diego to open fire against Mexican territories. No warnings will be sent and there are no specific targets so far. “All canons and all types of ammunition should be used without discrimination in order to save the lives of our beloved American soldiers”, stated the President.
9:00 the first squadron of Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirits, also known as the Stealth Bomber, has dropped their first load of deadly bombs in the entire strip of the Mexican territory (along the border with California). As far as the news coming from Mexico, heavy casualties are already reported on the Mexican side.
10:30 the President has authorized the use of “Napalm” bombs, a mixture of a thickening agent and fuel for use in an incendiary device that causes extended damage and is capable of burning vast areas in minutes.